4: Sweet Revenge

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The following week passed with some minor events. Said events are Thalia acting like herself again, Ani being as hyper as she can when around Thalia, and Sitri, who whenever Thalia taunts, now just gives her an unreadable expression.

Right now, Sitri can be seen sitting at his chair once again, looking like he's deep in his thoughts. A ray of light is dramatically shining down on him from the window a bit away from his side, but he didn't seem to care.

"Well, I certainly can't get angry at her anymore like I used to. I can't even look at her without remembering... that. This visit is much more stressful than I thought." Sitri talked to himself.

Meanwhile, he heard a knock on his double door. "Mas--... B-Brother, can I come in?" Ani's timid voice said from the other side.

Sitri instantly lit up from hearing that. "Come in come in, my precious sister." He grinned at himself from saying that.

The doors, though they are huge, seemed to be nothing but a piece of paper when Ani pushed them open. In reality, Sitri opened it himself, by diminishing the weight of the doors.

Ani walked in while looking down, but Sitri caught a glimpse of her blushing face.

'I guess it'll take some time before she gets used to calling me brother...' Sitri thought with a grin.

"Um, b-brother, I came here to say something I noticed from Thalia-neechan." She began to fidget.

Sitri immediately sweated. 'Did she hear her too?'

"W-What is it?" Sitri looked away, acting like he's not interested. A bead of sweat rolled down from his forehead.

"Well," Ani ran closer to Sitri, and leaned in closer to his ear. "I... saw a little you in her pocket!" She exclaimed.

"L-Little me? What do you mean by that?" Sitri asked.

"It's a doll, and it looks a lot like you! And she was even like this when she thought I wasn't looking," Ani began hugging an invisible object all the while squealing like a happy girl. "Kukuu! My beloved Sitri!" Then she smiled.

Sitri choked from an inanimate object, as he can imagine the vampire doing that. Then, he slowly recomposed himself. "Well, w-what is your say about it?"

Ani's eyes grew larger, turning into a chibi version of herself. "I think she's trying curse you!" She rose her finger.

Sitri really fell to the floor from hearing that. "Ani..." He spoke as he got up.

"It all makes sense! There's the doll, and there's Thalia! It spells out 'trouble', can't you see?" Ani shook him by his shoulder. "I'm here to warn you master! Warn!"

"Okay..." Sitri let out a sigh of relief. He thought Ani already noticed it, but he was glad she didn't. If she did, then things would have gotten really awkward.

"Are you feeling something?! Maybe a needle being stabbed to you?!" Ani began to panic, looking around him for stab wounds.

"Ani, for needles, it's not stab. It's puncture." Sitri tried to avert Ani's attention.

"Puncture? As in, punk, choore?" Ani repeated, looking at Sitri like an innocent baby.

"Yes, puncture. Hey Ani, can you get my paper works at the study room? I really need them right now." Sitri asked.

"Of course, onii-sama!" Then Ani ran off, forgetting that Sitri could just teleport himself there.

"... Ani." He shook his head in disbelief.

Sitri thought about how the little girl can be so easily deceive. 'Well, she hadn't really talked to anyone other than me and Thalia, it must be because she really trust us two.' Sitri concluded.

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