Season 3 Prologue: Equals

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"Hmm. Tell me, girl. What do you get on telling me all this?" A shadowy figure sat on a black throne, a golden chalice right at it's hand.


"You'd go this far, all for the sake of him?" The obviously feminine voice let out a snort. "Very well, I will admit that this is a very tempting offer. I guess I'll have to accept."


"Hm. I will inform master with this preposition of yours." She gestured towards the gigantic double door behind her unknown visitor. "You can go out now."

The robed figure walked out, without uttering another word. As the doors closed down with a thud, the sitting female lowly chuckled. "Everything for love, huh?"

"That stupid demon. Someone's already acting behind him, and he doesn't even have a single clue." She drank from her shining cup, then smiled. "He trusted them too much, and now he's gonna pay for it."

The girl stood up, her crimson eyes shining through the darkness. "You really can't expect anything from a weakling." Her body dissolved into a flurry of bats, each flying into different directions. An echoing laugh was all that was left where she formerly stood.

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