30: Difference in Strength

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The first thing that Sitri saw was green. The deep lush color of nature, visible as far as his eyes could see. He concluded that he appeared right in the middle of a huge forest; an ideal place for someone who uses nature to their advantage.

The demon began to float atop the canopies of trees, looking for a better view to find his current target. Truth to his earlier words, he is an a forest. It could even be said that the whole private planet is just wholly made up of one, giant maze of trees and plants.

"Hello there, Demon Lord Sitri!" A figure appeared a bit away from him, revealing it to be Quasar. A protective shell of green covered the wizard inside, his trademark wooden staff held within his left hand. "My master had gifted me this private dimension herself. Welcome to Xerra!" He held his arms wide in a grandiose passion.

"I can feel that this planet of yours is far more larger than the Vampire Queen's." Sitri turned his head from side to side, his eyes narrowing. Indeed, even as he used his eyesight to its full potential, all he can see was countless more flora.

"That's right. Mimi just really wanted that tiny planet for whatever reason. I could care less to that vampire." Quasar shrugged, grinning. "I heard you defeated her. Let me guess, you used her before you killed her, right?"

A pulse of dark emotions erupted from Sitri, his eyes intensely glued to his enemy. "Do not speak ill of her, lest you want me to end this fight quickly in a single blow." Lifting a palm in front of him, an orb of black and white appeared, holes that seemed to look like faces appearing on its surface.

"You sure do like to hear yourself talk, don't you?" The black-haired teen smirked. "You better know who you're dealing with right now."

Sitri's voice was deeper than usual, though his face was as neutral as ever. "More or less. You have been dubbed 'The Ultimate Wizard' in your home world, able to subdue even the Vampire Queen herself."

"Hmp." The slick-haired man smirked. "Your little fox did her research, huh?"

"The youngest and latest member of the Purgatorial Trinity. Even though you have the body of a human, you kept on par with mystical beings such as demons and goddesses." The demon continued. "I'd say you're the most powerful human I've ever met."

"Aww, you're flattering me."

"Don't get too full of yourself. I'm merely recognizing you." Sitri swiped a hand to his right, his cloak behind him fluttering from the sudden move. "It is quite stereotypical, won't you say? The human fighting the Demon Lord; a classic."

Quasar started floating in midair, his staff glowing green from his magic. "Yeah. And you know how this usually ends. The hero always saves the day."

"Unfortunately for you, I will not be your opponent for today." The white-haired teen grinned uncharacteristically, both of his eyes rapidly being consumed in darkness. "You're too snappy for ol' Sitri anyways. And besides, he already beat Mimi. It's my time to shine!"

"Whoa, now that's a 180 degrees personality change." Quasar chuckled.

"You said it. Tell you what, y'know what's worst than threatening the Demon Lord?" Truth tilted his head, right eye wider than the other one. "Absolutely nothing. So you better suck this up, 'cause you three little idiots asked for this." In a second, the demon vanished from Quasar's field of vision.

"Tch. All of your atrocities ends now, Demon Lord." He clasped his staff in between his palms, muttering something. "Earth, defend me with all your might! [Omni-Sphere]!" A giant dome of rock encased the wizard, stopping Truth dead in his tracks.

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