15: Killing Death

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=≠(??? Years ago, Heaven's Gate)≠=

"Everyone! Barricade the gate! Block it with everything you have! We can't let that monster get inside here!" A four-winged angel yelled from above.

"You heard the angels! Let's do our best too!" A horned male Devil with four wings shouted next.

Angels and devil's alike moved back and forth, either placing huge slabs of gold-titanium onto the gigantic gate, or strengthening it with magic. It was the only thing that was stopping the arm--, no, a single figure on the other side.

"Leviathan-sama, bless us with your powers! Atlantis Fortress!" More than half of the devil yelled, a blue magic circle appearing in front of their hands. Suddenly, several gates that looks like tridents appeared, lining up themselves to be more thick and tougher.

"Oh sacred light of heaven, lead us to salvation! Terra Forma!" The angels followed. Huge chunks of earth jutted out of the clouds they were currently standing at, turning the gate itself in a humongous mountain.

"Preparations are all finished sir!" An angel reported to the two angel and devil flying high above them.

"Good work. All we can do now is repairing. We'll repair it when he tries to destroy it." The four-winged devil said.

"Pathetic." A voice echoed behind the wall.

"Hah! You'll never be able to get in here, monster!" An angel yelled. All of the other angels and devils did the same.

"You call this a defense?" A laugh can be heard after that. "Fools. Do you take me as some kind of weakling? Do not put me on the same level of you, you useless tools."

"Armageddon, 3."

A flick. That's what all it took, that made their supposedly 'impregnable defense' shatter.

A searing black and white beam burst through the the gate, nothing unlike a bullet cutting through a thin piece of paper. Everyone that was in the vicinity of the attack was reduced to nothing. It was followed by two more, one in each of it's side.

Unfortunately, they were all in it's target zone.

Looking from the ground, the sky seemed to be cut into four parts. After the outburst, a strong shockwave can be felt even from miles away.

"Che. So much for your alliance's so called 'Defense Division'. They didn't even lasted for a minute. How pitiful." He calmly floated forward, towards a golden palace floating high above the clouds.

"Now!" A voice yelled below the male. Then suddenly, a large, black and violet magic circle appeared below the demon, with it rotating slowly.

"Every sin comes with a price. And yours... will be Death!" A ghostly image of a robed skeleton appeared behind the man, then it swung the gigantic scythe it wielded.

The scythe passed through the man harmlessly, though he's eyes were wide. Suddenly, he exploded in a burst of black flames, seemingly covering him more by every passing seconds.

"You... Who are you, little girl?" The demon tilted it's head, not even bothered by the flames surrounding him.

"Even though your evil, I will still grant your dying wish." She pointed her scythe to the man, a similar scythe from skeleton's before, though smaller. "I am Hexhine, the Goddess of Death. I created the rule 'Death', for there is nothing such as eternal in this universe."

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