6: ...Then A New World

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Tamamo flinched after getting yelled at. Her sensitive ears certainly didn't help her in a good way too. Still, she can't do anything, since she doesn't have any of her powers right now and she's feeling so weak, courtesy of the hands rubbing her ears.

"Haaah... Yaa... S-stop it..." She pleaded. She can't help but to close her eyes and enjoy her race's weakness.

Ani, being a curious child and all, continued on petting the fox after Thalia let go and rampaged behind her. Still, Tamamo never let her grip at Thalia go, as she continued to hit the vampire. A single tail brushes past Ani's cheek, and she look to her right to see another one coming to her. It hit her softly in the face, though it tickled her nose. Then she started to sneeze.

"Ah... Ah... Achoo!" Ani sneezed. Meanwhile, Sitri started to stir from the different noises around him.

He turned around, witnessing the funny scene in front of him. A nine tailed fox hitting Thalia softly with her paws on the chest, while being tickled by a sneezing Ani. He looked around, noticing his surroundings for the first time.

"What in the...?" He muttered, stopping the three female on their antics, and proceeded to look at him.


During the short time the group had, Tamamo briefed them on what happened. They learned that she was the 'cute, nice, and wise' deity of fate. She explained that she governs on what happens to each living things, as per say to her self proclaimed title 'fate god'.

"You told me before that you're the one who 'wrote' our story... Do you... know my past?" Sitri stared at her emotionlessly.

"No, mother was the one who wrote your past. I just came over when she died... It was around the part where you destroyed your first village there in the humans' dimension..." Tamamo hugged her tails, not noticing the glare Sitri was giving her moments ago. "Of course, I don't need such things, 'cause I'm really smart." Then, Sitri's murderous look dissipated.

"Are you also the one who wrote what happened after this so called 'prologue'?" Sitri thought about Thalia's visit and all the ruckus after it.

"Well, no. That time, I was travelling from my home to your world, because my pizza dropped into my portal and got into your dimension. I don't have to worry about everyone's fates, because I tuned it to write itself! I'm really smart aren't I?" Tamamo posed like a clawing cat, ironically.

The demon king snickered. "Smart huh? Look what that did to you. Teleporting even yourself with your powers. And what kind of reason is that? Just for a measly pizza..." He taunted.

Tamamo looked back at Sitri. "Grr. Don't think I've forgotten that you're the reason why I'm here! If you didn't chain me with those things, I wouldn't be... I promise, I'm going to change your attitude into an obedient, little boy instead of your terrifying persona." Tamamo growled, showing her tiny sharp teeth to the devil. Sitri gladly smiled back at her with his own grin.

Tamamo leaned back in fear, looking at Sitri's grin at her again. She swears that she saw his eyes glow for a second.

Ani looked at her master, then to Tamamo. She crossed her hands with a 'harummph', all the while pouting. Thalia looked at her, then smiled as she noticed that the human was growing jealous with their new companion. Seeing no one will stop whatever they're doing, she feigned a cough and talk.

"Ehem, so we now know that you're a powerless god right now, and we've been teleported to another dimension. The big question is, what are we gonna do now?!" She exclaimed.

Sitri shrugged. "It's not that bad," he nonchalantly said. "maybe we could live here for a while. Besides, this place looks fun." Sitri said, gazing at the tall building just at the end of the alleyway they are resting at.

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