27: Simplest Tactic

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"Sitri." The blonde fox Tamamo spoke behind the sitting demon, her tails swinging here and there with every step she took. "We need to save Hexhine. I know she's strong, but, if they were able to capture her..."

Sitri closed the red book he was reading, then brought it back to a shelf not far away from his table. He flicked a nearby switch on the wall, lighting up his dark study room for his visitor. "Me and Truth have already concluded what plan we will use to save Hexhine." He sat back again in his swivel chair.

"Really?" Tamamo perched down on the sofa in front of his desk. "What is it?"

Sitri's white eyes flickered into black, that unnerving smile present on his face again. "Plan B. Beat 'em up the old way." Truth's much more livelier voice said.

"W-What?" Tamamo sweatdropped.

The demon's left arm rose up against the unknowing idiot. With a sudden flick, his own arm punched Truth across his face. "Ug--!" The demon laid sprawling down the floor, his foot twitching a bit.

"Eh? Truth?... Sitri?" The fox looked over the desk, confused.


"Tch. Troublesome." Sitri dusted off his suit, a small tick mark present in his forehead.

"Errr," Tamamo shuffled in her seat, finding the most comfortable angle for her. "now that that's out of the way, l-let's continue?"

"Yes." Sitri criss-crossed his fingers, resting his hand under his chin. "I've researched you six goddess even more. My memories with you all are still quite hazy as you might know. I suspected that if there's anyone who could subdue a goddess, then they're probably a goddess too."

Tamamo slowly nodded her head. "I understand. Though, why aren't you looking at the four celestials too? They are as powerful as us, you know. Especially Satina."

"They're out of the question." The demon sighed. "Last time I check, those four doesn't know any transformation magic."

"Transformation magic?" Tamamo rose an eyebrow.

"I've met that group's possible leader. A blue-haired girl with the name of Lesha." Sitri stared at her eyes. "Rings any bells?"

"Unfortunately, no." The kyuubi looked down. "Some goddesses changes name almost every year. We all know each other best with our titles." She put her hand in her chest. "Take me for an example. I'm more known to my subordinates as Fate."

"I see." Sitri closed his eyes, breathing in hard. "What about her appearance?"

"When all of us goddesses meet for a meeting, we only send a projection of our silhouette to the meeting place for convenience sake. I only know Xozeel-senpai's appearance back then." Tamamo's ears drooped down. "Gomen nasai."

"Why are you apologizing? It's alright." Sitri slightly smiled at her, making the fox to do the same. "Then you must at least know her height, right?"

"Yes. What was that girl's height?"

"Around... 5'4 to 5'6." Sitri look at the window at the far side of his room, then nodded.

"Hmm," her nine bright yellow tails continuously swished behind her. "That would be Darkness, Life, Light, and Xozeel-senpai. I'll take Life-senpai out of there immediately. I was talking to her when all of this happened." She pointed her index finger at the side of her head. "And, Xozeel was busy on another timeline."

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