8: Double Vengeance

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Sitri had enough. He tied the rampaging teenage girl he was holding moments ago, along with her now shy principal. And he still has to work with Ani's... misfortune.

"M-M-Master Sitri!" Ani hiccupped. "Wh-What do you want me to do, Sitri-niisama?" She smiled drunkenly.

Apparently Reya had drugged the foods she served, hoping that she'll subdue the possible enemy that popped into her domain. Of course, this simple trick didn't fool the other older ones, but a hungry and curious child though...

"I-I can pray for you, since you can't, right? Hihihi!" Ani giggled.

Sitri wiped his face from up to down. Now he had to deal with a drunken Ani.

"Ani, would you please sit down?" Sitri asked.

"Ah, okay. Yes yes..." Ani complied.

'Good, she's still obeying me.' Sitri thought.

Then Ani sat down at the floor, her eyelids threatening to go down.

"Untie us you pervert!" Shirome yelled.

"Shut up." Sitri glared at her.

Shirome glared back, then she turned to her master. "Reya-sama, use your powers to break this stupid rope!"

"Just calm down, Shirome. It doesn't even feel that bad." Reya looked down.

Shirome gasped. "Aaah! So you used ropes in master too, you sick bastard?! Now she's into this kind of stuff too!" If her eyes could melt things, Sitri would have been reduced into a puddle of liquid long ago.

'What did I do to deserve this?' Sitri grunted mentally. "And where's Tamamo and Thalia when you need them?" Sitri he narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

Ani crawled towards Sitri, then clutched at his foot. "Sitri-nii... Ani's sleepy. Shuuu..." Then she slept while hugging Sitri by his foot.

"Great. Just great." Sitri said to no one.

Everything is in chaos. Normally Sitri would be happy with this, but now, he isn't. Since he himself is also in chaos.

"If Reya-sama's too broken to free us, then I'll do it!" Shirome yelled. "Ability activate, Leaf in the Wind!" Then she blurred out of existence.

Sitri kept calm. The girl was moving in extreme speed, she might be even be as fast as sound. But this 'simple' feat is nothing for Sitri.

"My ability lets me move in hyper speed! And when your faster, you're also stronger! Take this!" She appeared behind Sitri, her hand formed into a karate chop aimed at Sitri's exposed neck. "Die!"

The attack hit him. Shirome grinned, but that was quickly wiped off when Sitri didn't even move an inch.

"You finished now?" Sitri deadpanned.

"W-What? How...?" Shirome whispered in shock. Nobody in her life had she met someone who can stop her like that, except her master Reya. 'Even master used a little bit of effort to stop me, but this guy...' Shirome thought.

"You're pretty fast, I'll give you that. But you're nowhere near my level." Sitri stared at her with serious eyes.

Shirome gritted her teeth. "I don't care! I don't care if your mountains of leagues ahead of me, I just want to punish you!" She made some distance away from him.

Sitri was silent for some seconds. "I admire your loyalty, human. But I'm disgusted with your stupidity. Fighting someone who could easily kill you for the sake of others is nothing but sheer idiocy. Think before you act, you humans are supposed to be intelligent right?" Sitri said.

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