3: Got a Secret, Can You Keep It?

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Several trumpets and drums blared outside the castle, alerting the napping Sitri in his throne. He was about to growl in annoyance, thinking that it's some humans attacking him head first again. But then, a booming voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Princess Thalia Beelzebub has come!" A grumpy voice yelled.

No more than one second Ani burst in through the double doors. "Thalia's coming! Yey!" Ani kept on jumping in front of Sitri.

"Calm down Ani. Remember my rules, don't destroy anything here. And I don't wanna deal with some cheeky brat right now, so don't lead that girl to me." Sitri said while rubbing his face.

"Thalia's here! Thalia's here!" Ani kept on jumping and ran towards the balcony.

"... She just ignored me." Sitri stared blankly at Ani. "This is the effect of that stupid brat on her. Ani's being disobedient."

Ani grabbed the stone railing at the balcony, and leaned in to see the heiress of the half vampire-half demon family, Thalia Beelzebub.

Down below, Ani could clearly see her bright emerald hair, styled into two pony tails at the side of her head, with a series of long straight hair at the back

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Down below, Ani could clearly see her bright emerald hair, styled into two pony tails at the side of her head, with a series of long straight hair at the back. Her charming face looked back at Ani in delight. The girl in a gothic lolita dress waved at Ani, and she waved back. Thalia is a bit taller than Ani, reaching up to the height of a 4'9 or 5'0. Even from up afar, her royal aura can be felt by the giddy servant of Sitri.

But Sitri have other thoughts. "No, that's all lies. She's the farthest thing from 'royal', don't be fooled again Sitri." Sitri felt her aura too, but knew better than to trust the heiress.

"Thaaaalia-san! Aren't you bothered by the sun?!" Ani yelled.

"No! But I'll be bothered if Sitri is there! Is he there?!" She shouted backed.

Sitri beat Ani and answered for himself. "Yes, I am here. Now get inside here so this day will be one step closer to ending."

"Hmph! Hardy as always, grandpa. Hahahaha!" Thalia laughed as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand.

A tick mark appeared at Sitri's forehead, but he calmed himself. This happens every time when the girl visits him and Ani at the humans' dimension. All he could do, was endure.


After the show outside the castle ended, Thalia was left by her bodyguards(which consisted of a thousand vampires) at Sitri's castle. As the last vampire disappeared with the help of Sitri's teleportation magic, Thalia and Ani already destroyed Sitri's throne room, his bed room, Sitri's study room, the library in the basement, and let loose about a hundred of human's soul in the world by destroying Sitri's soul container. It was designed to repair the castle whenever it is destroyed, by consuming some amount of souls, but now even it was destroyed, which is hidden in a secret room mind you. On how they found it, Sitri had no clue.

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