19: The Genie's Wishes

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A/N: As usual, the ninth parts of each seasons in Kurai Yoru are exceptionally longer than the others. With that out of the way, let's delve into chapter 19, 'The Genie's Wishes'.


"Who are you?" Satina blurted out, her eyes narrowing.

She knows they're different. She knows that Truth is an another personality of him.

But, the thing is, "You and him are just a single person." Satina glared at him.

"What do you mean, devil? I am Sitri." The demon in question narrowed his eyes.

"No matter what reason you give us," Satina walked closer to him, staring intently at his no-nonsense face. "You're still just a single person. What he did, you did too." She looked down, her eyes hidden behind her red bangs.

When she looked up again, her eyes are now watering up with tears. "So why are you acting like this now?! After everything that you did, you're gonna act like you care now?!" She punched his chest, just having the force worthy of her small frame.

The demon made no move to stop her, nor did he flinch. It was just a normal hit after all. Nothing like that could hurt him.

Though, the feeling it possessed was an another question.

Satina, a normally childish yet at the same time mature person, is now just a weeping mess. She leaned her forehead at his chest, but did not hold him or anything. Gritting her teeth, she began to think that all her rambling earlier was just a nonsensical group of words to the white-haired demon's ears. To her surprise, she felt a hand clasp down her right shoulder.

"You're right." She heard him say. She can't see his face, though his voice indicated something to the girl. "I don't have the rights to do something like this after... everything." He paused, then she heard him breath.

"But, does that also forbid me to repent, at the very least?"

Her eyes widen, as she felt him making his distance away from her. She looked at him, already about to leave her there.

Without thinking, she grabbed his grey cape, stopping him in his track. None of the two did anything more, other than Satina's soft voice quietly saying something.

"Y-..." She bit her lip. "You said you wanted help. W-What do you want?"


Ani quietly walked towards a nearby double door, leading to the indoor grass field in their palace. There, she saw several angels and devils diligently training. The sounds of steel clashing with steel reverberated outside the huge roof-less clearing, while several small explosions rang from the spells the winged beings casted.

What attracted her attention the most though are the unused daggers on a nearby weapon rack. It lied there for almost a year now, as no one likes the idea of sneaky killing. Not even the devils.

She began to walk towards the rack, and noticed the small, makeshift cloth roof covering the weapons and whoever that may rest there from the sun. Now that she's closer, she marveled at the dangerous crafts of steel, the aforementioned daggers. Standing out from it's group though, is one glowing dagger, it's blade inscribed with unknown runes(at least to her).

"A... curvy knife?" She grabbed the sharp weapon, and was a bit surprised at it's nigh feather-like weight. She did some tentative swipes, cutting the flimsy wood supporting the silk roof above her.

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