16: What You Really Are

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Hexhine scooted to an invisible corner, hiding herself from the dark space she's currently trapped in. All she can hear was her own weeps, infinitely echoing inside her head.

She now knows he's evil. She now knows he was lying. But, to her confusion, why can't she hate him?

Yes, she cried, but it was just out of her fear towards him. But, no matter what she did, she can't make herself angry even just a tiny bit at him.

Perhaps it was the fact that he's the only person she wants to see. Or maybe it's her weird feelings for him. She can't tell.

The sizzle of a beam brought her back to reality. It looks like he's back now. Hexhine stared at him, noticing that he's covered in an unknown substance. An unknown, crimson substance. She noticed something strange though. Sitri's left eye is missing it's white iris, making it pure black.

"What are you staring at?" Sitri spoke, looking back at her.

Hexhine flinched at his tone, then lowered her hat to hide her face. Sitri, being in a bad mood, just turned around with a 'tch'.

An object hit Hexhine's leg lightly. Looking up, she saw It was a golden apple.

"I know you stupid Goddesses eats something too. Eat that." Sitri spoke without turning around.

Hexhine slowly lifted it up, then smelling it carefully like a curious kitten. Then, before she embarrass herself with her growling stomach, she took a bite, then munched.

Sitri sat down in an indian position, then rotated to face her. His expression was back to normal; no nonsense. His left eye began to revert back to its formal color too.

"Tch. Hexhine, you stupid. You shouldn't have turned my attention to you before. If you didn't, you wouldn't have been captured by me." Sitri scolded.

"U-Uhm, hero... kun?" Hexhine whispered.

"Yes, it's me. My other persona let me talk to you before..." Sitri looked down.

"Before what, hero-kun?" Hexhine crawled near him. He's back, he's her hero again.

"... I'd gladly teleport you back if I can, but I'm pretty sure he'll forcefully take over again before I can do anything. All I can do is..." He closed his eyes, while silently cursing himself. "warn you."

"Hero-kun, I don't understand?" Hexhine sat in front of him, tearing up a bit again.

"Hexhine, remember this. When he takes over again, just... just..." He slammed his hand to the 'ground'. "Damn it! I don't know! I... don't know..." Sitri closed his eyes, while gritting his teeth hard.

Then Sitri look up, showing his pitiful face to her. "Hexhine, if you ever hate me after this, I'll understand. For now, you should run away as fas--" Sitri was silenced by Hexhine hugging him.

"Hero-kun. Please don't say that. I could never hate Hero-kun. I, I love you... Sitri."

And for the last time, Sitri's eyes widen, as he let go of his restraints silently. Both his irises began to turn black.

All Hexhine got as a reply was Sitri pushing her down, his face back again into his psychotic grin. All Hexhine did, was close her eyes, and hugged him harder.


Celleya, Tamamo, Reya and Thalia all blinked in confusion about what happened next. After Xozeel's revelation to them, they were all engulfed in a blinding light. In the next second, everything around them turned dark, and countless golden clocks started appearing out of nowhere. Since Ani was still asleep, it looks like she wasn't able to come with them.

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