17: My Child

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=≠(364 days after Genesis, Final Haven)≠=

The atmosphere was thick. Thick enough for a knife to cut right through it. Four celestial beings are currently sitting around a circular table, with their faces not matching some of their appearance; some looks quite childish, you see. They were inside a room made up of quartz, with a single huge chandelier above them.

"Really, that guy." The black skinned devil, Lizifer, spoke as she glared at the empty air in front of her.

Mikael tapped his finger at the table, looking like he wanted to kill someone. "He's giving us so much trouble. The rules of the universe are trying their best, but even they can't stop him."

"Does he even have a single weakness?" Gabrielle asked, furiously trying to find something from the fights she had seen from him.

"Everything has a weakness." Satina spoke while crossing her hands. "And I know exactly what his is now."

"What? Tell us!" Mikael instantly perked up.

"No matter how twisted he is, he still have one thing we all have." She pointed at her chest. "A heart."

Lizifer instantly got what her fellow devil meant. "You're going to play with his heart... Do you really think that'll work? You heard what happened to that Death Goddess, right?"

Gabrielle looked sad after hearing that. "She wormed herself in her own domain. She doesn't even talk to any of her fellow goddesses anymore."

"We all know what he did to her. Such a disgusting creature." The blond male spat out in disgust.

'I'm not so sure about that, Mikael. Still, this isn't what we were supposed to be talking about.' Satina shook her head. "We're getting off topic here. Though something might or might not have happened, either way, he showed that he at least have an interest on females. And that is sufficient enough for me." Satina closed her eyes.

Lizifer grew worried. She thinks she already know what the fiendish little devil beside her is planning. "A bait. Your going to make a bait, aren't you?"


Mikael narrowed his eyes at her. "And who will that bait be?"

Satina opened her left eye, staring back at Mikael intently. "First off, it can't be me or Liz. Though he hadn't saw us yet before, he'll definitely smell something's up when we suddenly started growing friendly towards him. We're devils after all. Gabrielle won't do, too. He already know her."

Gabrielle tensed up when she heard her name, but then she let out a sigh of relief when Satina finished her sentence. "Then it must be someone he haven't met yet?"

"Correct. We're going to create someone he can love, yet at the same time someone who can kill him." Satina turned her head to the wide-eyed black skinned devil. "Liz, call that Life Goddess. Tell her our plan."

Lizifer just smirked. "Yes, Satan-sama." Satina grew a tick mark at that. The smiling devil quickly left.

Mikael, having been holding his breath till now, relaxed, seeing that the once childish devil showed her true nature again. "Satina, aren't you going back to the underworld already? You still need to do your act, right?" Mikael smiled.

"Geez, don't bring it up here. You know I hate acting like an evil someone such as that guy." Satina sighed.

Gabrielle let out a small giggle at that. "I heard Lizifer is already about to 'kill' you, ahaha."

"This way, Lizifer will be regarded as a great leader. I'm sure she'll do great." Satina smiled unknowingly.

Lizifer suddenly entered from the door, looking a bit panicked. "This is bad. He's currently attacking the goddess of Light, and the Life Goddess is one of the supports who was sent. She's busy right now."

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