7: Broken Bird

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"Welcome to Light Year academy. Would you like some tea, my alien visitors?" Reya tilted her head a bit.

Sitri was instantly on guard, along with Thalia and Tamamo. Ani kept on trembling in fear behind Sitri, not wanting to see the 'scary angel' as she like to call Reya.

Tamamo spoke first. "I see that you know we're not from this world. What will be your reaction, Reya?"

Reya turned her gaze to her. "Ah, the legendary Tamamo no mae. I did not ever thought that I will see the original in my short lifetime." She mused.

"Answer me." Tamamo glared at her.

Reya's smile haven't even faltered a bit, nor her eyes even blinking for once. "Well, of course I'm delighted! It's not everyday you get to be visited by inter-dimensional travellers. Please, come in and have a seat." She stepped aside and gestured to the comfy living room behind her.

They all warily went inside, looking at every bit of detail in the room. Generally, it was designed in Victorian style, the sofas, chairs and tables. They all look antique and ancient. A cozy fireplace is brightly illuminating the room, the fire crackling as it heated the supposedly cold office of the angel.

As they sat, Reya flicked her fingers. In a snap, plates containing different snacks and dishes appeared in front of them.

"Foods? Anyone?" She offered.

Ani was about to grab a single cookie, but hesitated when she saw Thalia shaking her head.

Up to this point, Reya's face haven't changed one bit. It's as if her facial expression is a permanent mask glued to her face, but the movement of her lips said otherwise.

Sitri suddenly spoke. "Okay. So tell me what's happening here, where are we, what time is it, and who the hell are you."

Reya looked at him. "Isn't it formal for you to introduce yourselves first?" She asked.

"Formal my ass. The only thing you need to know is when you answer me one more time with your idiotic comebacks, your gonna find yourself rolling back and forth at the floor with my hellfire cooking you alive." Sitri glared.

Reya, for the first time, blinked, then her mask went back to normal again. Which is smiling creepily without blinking. "Did you just threaten me?" Her smile is still etched in her face.

"No, I just told you a fact. So you better start answering or die." Sitri shot back.

The other occupants of the room sat in silent, either because of fear, curiosity or worry. Ani fidgeted with her hands as she looked down, feeling a bit out of place in this situation.

Reya stared up at him from bottom to top, and finally, her smile faded. "... I see that you're stronger than me."

"Glad you have common sense." Sitri said.

"But your human companion is seemingly vulnerable, it's as if she's begging me to kill her right here and then." Then her smile came back.

Sitri let out a bit of his aura indicating that he is far from happy about her own threat. Ani looked at her, slightly trembling in fear as she hugged Sitri's arm for comfort.

Reya giggled a little. "Now that's what I call extreme killing intent."

Sitri narrowed his eyes, while Reya just kept on smiling at him. "Oh, don't give me that look. You can't kill me. If you do," she pointed at Ani. "this girl will be easily killed when all of my precious students starts hunting you all down. And another warning, they might not be as strong as you, or Ms. Fox here, but they can surely overwhelm you in numbers." Reya's smile widen, if that's even possible.

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