11: Let's Start Fresh

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After Mabelle, the leader of the rogue ability wielders surrendered, the nightmarish fight finally ended. A lot of members from Mabelle's group fled from the scene, but some also chose to be taken to jail. With the help of Mabelle's summonings, Reya, Tamamo, and the ability wielders, the city would be back to normal next week.

But one traumatized Hanako Shirome refused to go near their visitors though, for unknown reasons.

"That wasn't fair..." Ani whined after Sitri finished telling her what happened last night.

The two are currently on a random classroom, directly below Reya's office. Sitri is currently briefing the little girl what caused the 'flashy, black and white light show' last night. During the whole ordeal, Ani was never able to go out, fearing that her master would punish her for being disobedient.

"Come on Ani, I just didn't wanted you to get hurt." Sitri patted the teary-eyed girl on the head.

Ani looked at Sitri, and stared at him for about five seconds. After the long awkward silence, another voice spoke.

"Uhm, brother? Who's this girl?" Celleya muttered from Sitri's left. "I've been seeing her around you for the last 6 years, though I somehow get the feeling that I know her somewhere..."

For some reason, Celleya is currently wearing the same dress Ani wears. Something about it being cute, the white haired girl said.

"I haven't told you? She's Ani. She's my servant, and your new younger sister." Sitri smiled, then he turned back to Ani. "Ani, this is Celleya, my sister and your older sister." Then he patted both of their head. "I'm sure you two will get along...?"

Upon looking at the two, Sitri could see some electricity sparking off from Celleya's eyes, while Ani's gives off a suffocating amount of killing intent.

Ani frowned, her eyes seemingly a bit foreshadowed than usual. "Dress snatcher."

"Brat." Celleya retorted.

"You do not deserve to be Sitri-niisama's sister. He's too great for you!"

"You're the one to say, peasant!"

Sitri inwardly sighed. 'I knew this was gonna happen...'  Then he pushed the two angry girls away from each other. "You two, behave."

"But brother!" They both said at the same time. Then they glared at each other.

A tick mark appeared on Sitri's forehead, with his right eye twitching slightly. Then, his whole body was suddenly engulfed in a pillar of darkness, with the only thing visible is his white glowing eyes.

"Now now, you both don't wanna get the punishment, don't you?" He spoke on a very deep voice, followed by a chuckle.

Ani and Celleya gulped, as they backed away. Then, they looked at each other. Celleya spoke first.

"S-Sitri-chan did the punishment to you too?" Her voice quivered.

Ani vigorously nodded. "Y-Y-Yes! You too?!"

Then Sitri laughed even more deeply, making the two girls trembling and hugging each other.

Celleya widen her eyes. "No... It's too late! He's already mad!"

"Right! Run!" Ani yelled, then the two started running to the door while screaming like the little girls they are.

"WAAAH! Thalia-neechan, Tamamo-chan, help me!"

"AAAH! I don't want the punishment! Forgive me!"

They frantically tried to open the door, but the door knob suddenly fell from it's position. Time seemed to slow for both the girls as the knob clattered at the floor. They both slowly turned around.

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