10: Rebuilding Trust

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A lone blonde haired girl walked groggily across one of the wooden hallways. The moon shone down inside their house when she opened a sliding door, and the cool night breeze washed against her face. Outside the large, japanese-styled house, a pond with a single cherry tree can be found, and the whole premises is covered with a thick wall.

A thud sounded just behind another sliding door to her right. Mabelle was surprised by the sound, as she thought that everyone was already asleep since it's in the middle of the night. She just wanted to grab some milk, then the sound came from her parents room.

"Mama...? Papa...?" A young Mabelle whispered as she opened the sliding door.

Reya looked to her side, and saw the shocked face of Mabelle.

"M-Mabelle!" Reya stuttered.

"K-KYAAAA!" Mabelle yelled.

Reya was wielding her signature scythe, now drenched in blood. Two dead bodies lie on the ground, but Mabelle could clearly see their hair colors.

Blonde, and black. Just like his father's and mother's.

Mabelle tripped as she slowly crawled away from her sister, who, from her eyes, had gone mad and killed their parents. Her scary face was truly terrifying now that some blood is sticking onto it this time.

Without uttering another word, the blonde girl ran outside, away from the monster and murderer right behind her. She did not dare to look back, afraid that the killer might reach her and kill her like her parents.

She stumbled across the street, but she did not care. Her parents is dead, and her sister killed them.

She had to get away.

Or she will get her too.

She will kill her too.






=≠Flashback End(A few minutes before Sitri and Celleya started arguing)≠=

"KYAAA!" Mabelle yelled, as Reya suddenly 'attacked' her.

"Mabelle, calm yourself! They were--" Reya tried to reason with her, but the crying girl ignored her.

"No! Get a-away! Monster! MURDERER!" Mabelle kept on yelling as she swipe her left hand in front of her. She's stepping back frantically, making her fall down on the ground. "KILLER!"

The words were like a needle being struck into her heart. She didn't know her little sister was this traumatized by her.

"Listen to me Mabelle! Mabelle!" Reya tried to hug her again, but Mabelle just yelled even louder.

"GET AWAY!" Mabelle swiped her hands in front of her, and a dozen of armored skeletons rose from the ground. They were wielding different weapons each.

"Mabelle..." Reya looked at Mabelle, worry and concern written all over her face. She called her wings and stayed airborne, as she prepared to crush the skeletons.

Mabelle, still stepping back, now felt the cold hard cement of a building behind her. She gasped, as another memory came flying back to her.


"Mabelle, please, STAY THERE AND LET ME KILL YOU!" Reya's voice changed at the end. Her image at Mabelle's mind warped into a cackling, bloodied version of her.

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