23: False Serenity

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Now that the whole squabble with Truth-- Sitri's former split personality--, was finally over, the whole group finally had time to relax. After what seemed like an eternity to the girls, they finally saw one of the most awaited parts in an anime.

"Wooh!" Tamamo jumped happily, wearing a yellow pair of frilly bikini. "Fan-service time!"

"I don't know what fan-service is," Thalia walked from the huge umbrella, and out into the sun. She's wearing an another bikini, this time colored green. "but I do know this is a great time to relax!"

"T-Tamamo-san!" Hexhine hugged the fox from behind, a purple, gothic one-piece covering her body. "Wait for me!"

"Party on the beach! Yey!" Ani sat at a nearby sand castle, happily drawing dead knights and warriors around it. Her clothing seemed to be that of a swimwear version of her usual dress.

"Hmm..." Celleya hummed to herself, then smiled. "It's a great time to spend with onii-chan." She's wearing a white two-piece, with accentuated stripes of black. She looked around, but then she felt a hand above her head. Looking behind her, she spot the one she was looking for.

"I hope so." Sitri said with narrowed eyes. Remembering the 'voting' time they spent about discussing where they would go for a rest, he can't help but to let out a sigh. 'I was completely outnumbered back then. At least they let me rent out the whole beach for today.'

'Don't want any inferior humans snooping around my gi--, them.'

The demon lord opted to just wear a black trunks, leaving his upper body bare. Meanwhile, Celleya was stiff as a rock as she stared at her brother. Even though his body is as white as it can be, the outlines on his muscles can still be seen. And those... 'Wow. I never saw niichan workout, yet he has those nice looking abs in him.'

Sitri noticed his silent sister, then spoke. "What's wrong, Celleya?"

"E-Eh? Oh! N-Nothing!" Celleya turned around, a blush adorning her cheeks. She pointed at the ocean, then talked. "The sea's looking quite good today, so let's swim!" She ran towards the crystal clear water, along with the others.

"Hmm, nobody wanted me to put a sunscreen on them?" Sitri mused. "I feel like that's unusual."

Every girls' mind froze. 'I-I forgot to ask him.' Since they were all excited, they just put on their sunscreens themselves, and forgot a very cliché moment.

Sitri silently sat at the sand away from the girls. He's just protecting himself from the sun, by hiding under their large umbrella. The demon wasn't a vampire by any means, yet he hated the sun as much as holy swords. It looks like Sitri's white skin has an origin now.

His mind drifted back to the events that had transpired not long ago. 'I've come really far now, aren't I? To think that the Demon Lord Sitri is out on a beach.' He stared at Tamamo, who's swimming like a real dog. He couldn't help but to shake his head.

"Still, I guess this isn't as bad as it sounds." Unknowingly, he smiled to himself.

"You've been smiling a lot these days." Truth said inside his mind.

"Truth?" The white-haired boy asked, surprised. "Ah, I am, aren't I?"

"Well, as long as you do not smile while your beheading someone, that's good." He imagined Truth nodding his head.

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