Tyler got up and walked over to his closet. Tyler looked over at Josh and threw a pere of pink pyjamas pants at Him. Josh lauged and walked over to Tyler. He grabbed Tyler by his waist and pulled him closer. "I love this color" Josh whispred into Tyler's ear. Tyler pulled out his baby blue pants and walked over to the bathroom door. Josh looked at him. "What? You don't wanna change in front of me?" Josh said with a amirk. "No." Tyler laughed and walked into the bathroom and locked the door. Tyler put on the pants and walked out. Josh was laying on the bed. Tyler said down next to him and kissed him. "Night Tyler." Josh whispred. "Night Joshua." Tyler whispred and fell asleep.Tyler woke up. To his alarm ringing. Josh was still asleep. How did he not wake up? It was 06.00am and Tyler started playing with Josh's hair. "Morning sunshine." Josh said and smiled. His eyes were still closed. "We have school today." Tyler said and laid down next to Josh." Josh shoved hos head into the pillow. "Josh?" Tyler lauged a little. "UUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHH!!!" Josh yelled into the pillow. "I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!!!" He yelled and sat up. "I did not expect that." Tyler said and lauged. Tyler got up and helped Josh out of bed. Tyler walked over to his closet and picked out black skinnyjeans and a mcr shirt. Tyler walked into the bathroom and got dressed. When Tyler got out of the bathroom Josh had fallen back asleep. "Josh, what the heck?" Tyler said and walked over to him. "I don't wanna go to school." Josh whined. Tyler kissed his forhead and draged him out of bed. "You have to." Tyler said and threw a pere of black skinnyjeans and a bandshirt at him. "Go get changed!" Tyler pointed at the bathroom and pretended to be a stright mom. "Why can't I just change here?" Josh looked at him. Tyler blushed. "Do as you want just do it fast." Tyler said and walked over to the paper to see what they were going to have in first lesson. Math. "Uughh, we have math." Tyler said and turned around without thinking. Josh pulled up his pants and looked at Tyler. "Hey, pervert!" Josh yelled and tried to not laugh. "You're the one that desided to change in this room!" Tyler yelled back. Josh walked slowly towords him. He grabbed Tylers hips. Josh kissed Tyler's neck carefully. "Josh." Tyler said and looked at him. Josh didn't stop. He walked behind tyler and walked to the mirror with him. Josh held his arms around Tyler. "You know what?" Josh said. "No?" Tyler said looking at him in the mirror. "I'm a thief." Josh said and smiled. "What?" Tyler said with wide eyes. Did josh really steal? What did he steal? Was it worth a lot of monney? He have to give it back. Oh my god! Tyler's in love with a theaf. "Yeah, because I stole this." Josh said and wrapped his arms around Tyler. "And I stole this." He said and kissed Tyler's neck. "And I stole this." He said and walked around to face him and kissed his cheek. "And I stole this." He said and kissed him on the lips." Josh was so cute. How did Tyler get so lucky? "Oh shit!" Tyler said and pulled away "what?" Josh said looking at him. "It's 07.30 and we haven't gotten any food." Tyler said. "Put on a shirt and lets go!" He smacked Josh's butt and walked towords the door. Josh smiled and put his shirt on.
They walked down to the entrence and walked by a little sofa group. The people that mocked Tyler yesterday were there. "Oh, look." Kellin said and pointed at them. "Ther's emo boy with his anorexic boyfriend." He said and laughed. "Oh my god!" Josh said in a high school girl voice. "That was so funny!" He said dragging out the y. Josh walked closer to him. "Yeah, just so you know to another time... I like who I like, eather it's black, white, thick, thin, girl or boy. So you can shut your homophobic fucking mout." He said and walked over to Tyler. "C'mon lets go Tyler." He said and took his hand.
They walked to tacobell and josh ordred the usuall. He came back with the food and tyler ate up. "I'm so full!" Tyler said and put his hands on his stumack. Josh had eated half his burrito. "Me too." He said and leaned backwords. "You're not gonna eat up?" Tyler said and pointed at the half eaten burrito. "No, I'm actually really full." He said and smiled at him. "Okay, lets go then." Tyler said and smiled at him.
They walked to the school, their fingers intwined. Tyler looked at his phone. 07.46 am. "We atill have 14 minutes left." Tyler said and lauged. They walked up to Tyler's room. They grabbed his things and they walked to Josh's room to pick up their things. "Is it okay if you wait here?" Josh said and opened the door. It looked like he didn't want Tyler to see something. "Oh, okay." Tyler said. Why didn't he want Tyler to see his room?
Josh came out with his things and they walked to the classroom. Everyone started whispering to eachother when they came in the room. They sat down in the back of the classroom.

Things Get Better (I promise)
Fanfiction(~•|JOSHLER|•~)-(~•TYSH•~)- Tyler is 19 and is going to college. When he meets a guy, a very cool guy, his friend, his best friend, his crush? But his ex is still mad at him for leaving without a word...