Tyler is 19 and is going to college. When he meets a guy, a very cool guy, his friend, his best friend, his crush? But his ex is still mad at him for leaving without a word...
Tyler woke up, Josh wasn't sleeping. "Josh?" Tyler said. His voice was groggy and deep. "Yeah?" Josh answered. Tyler sat up and looked towords him. Josh was in his boxers and he was building a chair. Tyler laughed and rubbed his eyes. "What? Are you laughing at my super cool flamingo boxers?" Josh said and walked towords him. Josh grabbed Tyler's arm and Picked him up. "No! Josh!" Tyler yelled. Josh laughed and kissed him. He placed Tyler on the kitchen bench. "Breakfast?" Joshua asked and opened the fridge. "yeah." Tyler said and smiled. "Omelette?" Josh asked. "Hell yeah!" Tyler answered.
Tyler looked at Josh. He was so cute when he made food. Tyler took a picture of him.
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(Lolol pretend the tattoo isn't there...)
Then he slid down from the bench and walked to the boxes. He decided to build his desk. Tyler had to have a desk, to write and stuff...
Tyler built it and walked to the kitchen. Josh was just done with the food. Josh placed the plates on the table with a big white unlit light. "We don't have matches, so It'll be a romantic breakfast with unlit lights." Josh said. Tyler laughed. "You're so cute when you laugh." Josh said. Tyler blushed. Josh kissed him.
They ate up and walked over to the boxes. "We need to get this done today." Josh said. "What?!! Today?!! Why?!!" Tyler yelled. "Because your family is coming tomorrow." Josh said and smiled. "Why?" Tyler looked weirdly at Josh. "Because they want to celebrate out new home." Josh said and placed a kiss on Tyler's forehead. "Uggh! It's so many boxes though!" Tyler yelled and threw his arms in the air for more dramatic effect. "Better get started then." Josh said and opened a box.
They were done with all the boxes at 06.36am. Or Josh was, Tyler had fallen asleep two hours ago. Josh got up and grabbed the car keys, he put on his jacket. He drove to the nearest open store and bought food for later.
Josh came home, Tyler was still sleeping on the floor and the sun was still not up. Josh placed the groceries on the bench and picked up Tyler. Tyler groaned and snuggled his nose in the creek of Josh's neck. Josh walked upstairs and laid him down on their bed. Then walked down stairs and put all the groceries in the fridge.
Josh looked at the clock. It was 08.06am. Tyler's family is coming over at Twelve. Josh walked up stairs and laid down next to Tyler. He felt Tyler cuddle closer to him. Josh smiled and fell asleep.
*knock knock knock*
Tyler opened his eyes.
*knock knock knock*
Tyler put on a pair of skinny jeans and Josh's long sweater and walked down.
*knock knock knock*
"I'm coming!" Tyler yelled and cleaned a little on the way. He opened the door. Kelly, Chris, Zack and Jey stood there. "Hello!" Tyler said and hugged them. "Where's Maddy?" Tyler asked and looked at Kelly. As soon as he asked she came into sight. She was holding mr.Fluffle. "I believe this is yours." She said and handed him over to Tyler. "I belive so too." Tyler said and took him. "Hey buddy." Tyler said and kissed him. He let Mr.Fluffle down and they walked inside.
"Where's Josh?" Kelly asked. "He's still sleeping, he did most of the job yesterday." Tyler said and walked up the stairs. "Josh?" Tyler said and opened the door. "Josh." Tyler said again a little louder. "Jishua I swear to god if you don't..." Tyler yelled. Josh turned around and looked at Tyler. "What?" Josh said. He looked so tierd. "We have guests." Tyler said looking at him. Josh looked at the clock at his phone. 12.13pm "shit, I'm sorry." Josh said and stood up. Tyler walked down stairs. "He's coming, he just needs to take a shower and stuff." Tyler said and smiled. They sat down on the couch and talked about what had happened while they had been living in their own house. Which is like two days.
Josh came walking down the stairs. "Hello." Josh said and sat down next to Tyler. "That color fits you." Maddy said and winked to Josh. Josh winked back. Tyler looked weirdly at Josh, josh just looked confused back. Tyler shrugged it off and continued to talk to his parents.
"So Josh, do you have any siblings?" Kelly asked. "No." Josh saud and looked over at Tyler. "You're so lucky, it must be so cool growing up as an only child!" Zack yelled. "I-it was actually.. uhm... very lonely." Josh said and looked down. Tyler saw it on Josh that he didn't want to talk about his family. Tyler hadn't talked with Josh about his family. Tyler actually didn't know anything about Josh's family. Josh allways seemed distance when they talked about it. "So." Tyler interrupted. "Are you going to celebrate Christmas with us?" Tyler asked him and smied. "You can bring your parents if you want." Kelly said and smiled. Josh looked down, his breathing started to get heavy. "S-sorry, I- I need some air." Josh said and walked out. Josh walked out in only a t-shirt. Tyler grabbed Josh's jacket an followed him. "Josh, what's going on?" Tyler asked and walked up to him. Josh was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. "Josh." Tyler said again, laying Josh's jacket over his shoulders. "There's something i need to tell you." Josh said. "Okay." Tyler said, a lump was building up in his throat. "I had two sister and a brother." Josh said. "Okay?" Tyler said. Josh was quiet. "Why didn't you just say that?" Tyler asked confused. "Because the'd try to meet them." Josh said. "Aaaaand?" Tyler asked. Still confused. Josh looked at him. "They're dead Ty." Josh said. His eyes were shiny. "Oh my... Josh, I- I didn't know, I- I'm so sorry" Tyler said and sat down next to him. "They died when I was seven." Josh said. "They all died." Josh added. "How?" Tyler said. Just a little louder than a whisper. "Everybody was home. Mom, dad, Jordan, Ashley and Abigail. Everybody but me. I was sleeping over at a friends house. When I came home the hole house was trashed. Windows were broken, all the doors was open and everything with value was taken. I walked inside and yelled after mom and dad. I walked in the living room I saw Abigail, but she was shot. In the head. Instant death. I walked in the kitchen. Mom and dad. Shot. I walked up stairs, Jordan was shot. But I couldn't find Ashley." Josh said and dried off tears. Tyler was speechless "uhm... There... was blod everywhere." Josh said. He leaned against Tyler. Josh's head against Tyler's chest. "They're all dead Tyler." Josh said and grabbed Tyler's shirt. "They're all dead." He whispered. "Josh I'm so so sorry." Tyler whispered. "But who took care of you?" Tyler said and playd with Josh's hair. "I took care of myself." Josh said. "But how did you get all that money?" Tyler said shocked. "I knew where they kept the it." Josh said. "I think we should go inside. We can talk about it later." Tyler said and took one arm around Him and they walked inside.