Tyler woke up. He looked over, Josh was sleeping. What happened? The last thing he remembered was him drinking in Patricks house. Tyler got up, his stumack hurt like hell. And he was... naked? Did josh do this? How did he think that this would be okay? Why did Tyler have bruices? He walked to the bathroom and took a shower.Tyler got out of the shower and put on his sweatpants. Tyler looked at himself in the mirror and walked out. He saw Josh looking at him. "Oh my god Tyler!" Josh said and got up. Josh hugged him. Tyler didn't hug back. "What?" Josh said and looked at him. Tyler was crying. "Tyler, what is it?" Josh said and looked at him. "I can't belive you did this..." Tyler said and sat down on his bed. "Tyler... did what?" Josh said and looked at him. "Tyler? What did I do?" Josh said getting scared. "You saved me. From Pete..." Tyler said and hugged him.
Josh pulled him up on his lap and dried away the tears. "Look at yourself, you're a mess because of me." Tyler said and turned to face him. "Thank you." Tyler said and kissed him. Josh's hand moved from Tyler's hips and up to his wet hair. Tyler's weakness was his hair. "Josh..." Tyler said and looked at him. "Yeah?" Josh said. "I love you." Tyler said and kissed him. The kiss got heated pretty fast. Tyler took off Josh's shirt and Josh kissed Tyler's neck. Tyler let out a loud moan and Josh laughed. "Shhh... we have neighbors." Josh said and continued to play with his hair and kiss his neck. Josh liked to teese Tyler. "J- osh." Tyler said with closed eyes. "Yes princess." Josh said and smiled. Tyler rolled Josh over so he was on top. "Daddy." Tyler whispered into Josh's ear. The raspness in his voice sent electrick signals down his spine. Tyler started to kiss Josh's neck. He got up, turned off the lights and walked over to Josh. Josh couldn't see anything. "Tyler, that's way too dark." Josh said and looked around, hoping to find something he could use sa a flashlight."Hey big boy." Tyler whispered and slowly kissed him down his hot muscular abs. "Josh stopped Tyler. "I love you to." He said and kissed him.
One thing led to another and Josh woke up at 05.06am. Winter was coming and the sky was cloudy. He put on some of Tylers sweatpants and walked over to Tyler. "Tyler?" Josh whispered. He couldnt stop smiling. This bundle of happyness was his. Tyler was his. And only his. Tyler groned and shoved his face down in his pillow. "I DON'T WANNA WAKE UP!" Tyler yelled and started to laugh. Josh shoved his face down in the pillow. "BUT YOU HAVE TO!" Josh yelled. "WHY?" Tyler yelled back. "BECAUSE WE ARE GOING SOMEWHERE." Josh yelled. Tyler got up and looked at him with happy eyes. Josh looked at him with the same happy eyes. Tyler started to smile and Josh notised his bottom crooked teeth. "You're adoreble." Josh whispered. Tyler looked at Josh, the wrincles at his eyes made his smile ten times better. "I know." Tyler said and kissed him.
Tyler changed and walked to the bathroom. He fixed his hair and looked at himself in the mirror.
You're so ugly.
Oh my god, you're so fat!
How can anybody like you?
Then he felt Josh's arms wrapped around his stumack. "Hey baby boy." He whispred into Tyler's ear. "Hey daddy." He looked at Josh in the mirror and winked. Josh turned him around and kissed him slowly. He pulled away and kissed his neck. "I love you." Tyler said and smiled at Josh. " I love you too." Josh said and smiled at him.
"C'mon, I'm taking you somewhere." Josh said and smiled. "Ooo, where?" Tyler said and smiled. "You'll see." Josh said and they walked down the hallway.
Gerard walked past them and pushed Tyler to the ground. "Oh sorry." Gerard said and smiled at Tyler. "It's oka-" "daddy's boy." He whispered and walked away. "What was that?" Josh said and walked after him. "Oh, No I just said sorry." Gerard said and turned to Tyler with a smirk. Josh stepped in front of him. "I heard what you said and I do not tolerate hate towards me or my boyfriend." Josh said and stepped closer to gerard. Tyler walked to Josh and grabbed his hand. "C'mon Josh." "Sure?" Josh mouthed to Tyler. "Yeah." Tyler mouthed back. "Okay, but I'll hit you if you do it again." Josh said and walked with Tyler.
They walked into TacoBell and and got food. "Tyler?" Josh said and looked at his hands. "Yeah?" Tyler said and smiled. "I'm sorry." Josh said and looked down. "I didn't listen to what you wanted, i was ignorant. But I just hate to see you sad." Josh said and looked up. Tyler looked at him with tears in his eyes. "I like that you're protective, I couldn't have done anything if he hit you. I couln't have like hit him. I would just run up in my room and cry or something." Tyler kissed Josh. An elderly coupple looked at them and smiled. Tyler smiled back.
They were walking back. They were holding hands. Tyler looked at Josh. How did Tyler become so lucky?
He doesn't like you!
He doesn't care!
He thinks you're a whore!
You are a whore!
Tyler couldn't keep it in anymore. He started to shake. His breathing started to get heavy. His feet started to get heavy. Tyler walked a little longer. "Tyler, what are you doing?" Josh said and looked at him. Tyler was crying and he started to get light headed. Tyler tried to speak but his voice was gone. "Tyler?" Josh said. Josh sat Tyler down on the gras. "Tyler look at me." Josh said. Tyler continued to look at the grass. "Look at me!" Josh allmost yelled. Tyler looked at him. "Breathe with me okay?" He said and took a deep breath. He counted to five and exhaled on the count of five. He continued till Tyler could breathe correctly. "I love you." Tyler said and kissed Josh.

Things Get Better (I promise)
Fanfiction(~•|JOSHLER|•~)-(~•TYSH•~)- Tyler is 19 and is going to college. When he meets a guy, a very cool guy, his friend, his best friend, his crush? But his ex is still mad at him for leaving without a word...