Tyler woke up. He looked over at the clock on his wall. It was 11.48am. Tyler turned around. Josh wasn't there. "Maby he's taking a shower or something. They were going to look at the place at 12.30am so Tyler needed to wake up.Tyler walked to the bathroom. "Josh?" Tyler said and knocked on the door. "He's not here." Maddy said. "Oh, okay." Tyler said and walked down stairs. "Do you know where Josh is?" Tyler asked kelly. "No, havn't he come home yet?" Kelly asked. "From where?" Tyler said. "He said he was going for a walk." Kelly said and looked at him. "Okay." Tyler said and walked outside. It had been snowing the last days so the snow laid like a thin blanket over the ground.
12.46 Tyjo: Where are you?
12.48 Tyjo: Jishua?
12.55 Tyjo: hello?
01.16 Tyjo: please text me back...
01.45 Tyjo: Josh I'm serious...
02.02 Tyjo: Joshua, I love you. Please let me know you're safe...Tyler walked inside. His hands were starting to turn purple and he was starting to have trouble breathing. "Hello Tyler, where have you been?" Kelly said and looked at him. Tyler were crying. He ran to hsi mother and hugged her. "Tyler, what is it?" She said and kissed his forhead. "J-Josh is g-gone and he doesn't answer and, and." Tyler said. "Breathe." Kelly told him. Tyler took a deep breath and hugged his mom again. "I'm sure he'll come back soon. He's probably at starbucks or something." Kelly said and smiled to Tyler. "Yeah." Tyler said. Allthough he knew Josh wasn't there. He didn't go there alone. Tyler walked up on his room and checked his phone. Still no answer. "Josh, where are you?" Tyler said and laid down in his bed. He fell asleep.
Tyler woke up and looked at the clock. It was 02.34 tyler walked down stairs and put on a warm jacket and his shoes. He walked to starbucks. Not there. He walked to wallmart. Not there. He walked to the nearest gas station. Not there. Tyler walked towords the park and called Josh.
"The person you are calling-"
"Ugh!" Tyler yelled and sat down on a bench in the park. Tyler laid his head in his hands. "Where are you?" Tyler whispered and closed his eyes.
"Is it okay if I sit down?" Someone said. Tyler looked up. It was a boy with long brown hair. "Yeah." Tyler said and smiled. "I'm kellin." He said and held out his hand. "Tyler." Tyler said and shook it. "So, what brings you to a park at three pm on a sathurday?" Kellin asked Tyler with a goofy smile. "Uhm, its a long story." Tyler said and tried to brush it off. "I got time." He said and smiled. Tyler sighed. "My boyfriend just left and we were supposed to look at a house today but now he's gone and he's not answering his phone." Tyler said and looked down. Kellin sighed and looked down. "Wow, I'm sorry dude." He said and looked down. "No, it's not your fault." Tyler said and laughed. "How old are you?" Kellin said and looked at Tyler quriously. " neneteen turning twenty desember first." Tyler said and smiled. "You?" He quickly added. " turned twenty two this year." He said and smiled at Tyler. "Can I get your number? You seem like a really cool guy." He said and smiled. "Yeah." Tyler said and smiled. They extended numbers and Tyler walked home.
As Tyler walked home he got a call from Josh. "Josh! Do you know how fucking worried I was? I can't even belive you right now! We were supposed-" Tyler said but got cut off. "Just letting you know, I'm not Josh. But I found this phone next to a very hurt person and he told me to call you. He told me to tell you that you needed to come pick him up." The person said. "Okay, I'm coming where are you?" Tyler said. Tyler got the adress and ran as fast as he could home. Tyler knew the adress. Why would Josh do something this stupid. He ran inside and grabbed the keys to kelly's car. He ran out and drove to the adress.
When he was there he ran out and hugged Josh. "Be carefull." Josh whispered. "Why?" Tyler said and cried. "Why did you do this?" Tyler said and looked at him. His hands were full of blood and his face was all beaten up. "I, I just wanted to-" Josh whispered. "We can talk later, you need to get cleaned up." Tyler said and helped Josh into the car. Tyler sat Josh down in the passanger seat. Josh tried to not say anything but Tyler knew he was badly hurt. Tyler get in the driver seat. He started the car and drove. "Where are we going?" Josh asked and cringed at the pain from speaking. "The hospital." Tyler said. "Why?" Josh asked. Tyler just looked shocked. "Have you even looked at yourself? You're a mess. You have probaby broken some ribs, it hurts when you breathe. What else am I going to do?" Tyler said and took a deep breath to calm down. "I thought you were dead Josh." Tyler said ad a tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly dried it away before josh could see it. "I'm sorry." Josh whispered.
They arrived at the hospital and Tyler helped Josh out. Josh cringed again and Tyler could see how Josh got hurt by every step he took. "You'll be okay once we get inside. Tyler said and smiled at him. Tyler wanted to be angery, he was so scared. But Josh was the sweetest guy ever and Tyler could never be mad at him for long. "Uhm, Hello." Tyler said to the front lady. "Hello, how can I help you today?" She said and looked at Josh. "He was in a fight and got hurt badly." Tyler said. "I think he broke some ribs." He added. "Okay, we'll get that checked. If you just follow me." She said and looked at them. They walked to a blue room. "Just lai down here and we'll see if anything's broken." The lady said. Tyler helped Josh down on the bench.
(I havn't broken any bones so I don't know how this works lol, sry
-E)They checked if any bones were broken. And he didn't they were just beaten up. "You're good to go, you just need to clean up your wounds and you'll be as good as normal." The lady said. "Okay, thank you." Tyler said and haloed Josh in the car again.
He drove home and helped Josh out. Kelly walked very fast towords Tyler. "Tyler, what the hell were you doing?" Kelly said in an angery tune. "Josh were hurt and I needded to come pick him up." Tyler said and helped him out. They walked inside.

Things Get Better (I promise)
Fanfiction(~•|JOSHLER|•~)-(~•TYSH•~)- Tyler is 19 and is going to college. When he meets a guy, a very cool guy, his friend, his best friend, his crush? But his ex is still mad at him for leaving without a word...