"Tyler?" Josh said with a calmb voice. Tyler opened his eyes, he felt a cold breeze. He was laying on Josh's lap. And Josh played with his fluffy hair. "Wh- where are we?" Tyler said comfused. He looked around. He had never been here before. "We're in the park behind the school."Josh said and smiled at Tyler. "Oh, okay." Tyler said and closed his eyes. He was tierd after everything that just happened. Who can blame him? "You were having a panic attack" Josh told him to make sure he understood what had happned. "Yeah, I know." Josh wanted to help Tyler. But he didn't know how. "What's the time?" Tyler asked and sat up. Josh took out his phone. "It's 10.16." Josh said and looked over at Tyler. Tyler laid down again. "I changed classes." Josh said quietly. Tyler opened his eyes and looked at Josh. "Josh, you didn't have to." Tyler said. "Tyler, I wanted to." Josh said and smiled. Josh looked at Tyler. His breathing was calmb and stedy. "Josh?" Tyler said. "Yeah?" Josh said calmbly. "I'm really happy to have you." Tyler said. "I'm happy to have you too." Josh said and smiled.They walked to Josh's dorm. This was the first time Tyler had seen Josh's room finished. "Oh, yeah. This is my room by the way. " Josh said.
His room was almost like Tyler's but Josh had a little drum set in the corner, he had a beanbag where Tyler had his desk and his bathroom was on the opposite side of the room.
Tyler laid down on the bed. Josh laid down next to him. They laid there, silent. And Josh's steady breathing worked like a lullaby to Tyler. And he fell asleep.
"Tyler." Josh whispred. "Tyler?" He said a little louder. Tyler growled. Josh lifted him up and carried him to his room. Josh was a pretty strong guy and Tyler was small so it wasn't really heard. Tyler held around Josh's neck and Josh smiled. He was so cute. Josh was lucky to have Tyler as a friend. Josh put Tyler down on the bed and burritoed him up in his blankets. Josh was about to leave when he heard Tyler try to speak. "Josh?" Tyler said. "Yeah?" Josh turned around. "Good night." Tyler said. Josh laughed at him trying to say something but too tierd to remember what. "Good night Tyler." He said and closed the door.
Josh knocked on Tyler's door. "Tyler? You up yet?" He didn't respond. "Tyler?" Josh opened the door and no one was there. "Tyler? Whe-" Josh stared. Tyler jumped from the side of the door and grabbed his shoulders. "Boo!" He yelled. And Josh let out the most girly scream Tyler had ever heard. Tyler laughed so hard he laid down on the floor. "Wha- what was that for?" Josh asked. "Oh my god!" Tyler wiped a tear. "Yes, I'm up." He said and laughed again. Josh hit him playfully in the shoulder. "That's not funny, Tyler." He rolled his eyes.
"So, you ready for class?" Josh asked. Tyler looked down."Tyler, we're in the same classes, remember?" Josh said and hughed him. "Yeah, I know. Its just-" he said and buried his nose in the creek of Josh's neck. "Everybody hates me." He mumbled into Josh's shirt. "No Tyler!" Josh said and hugged him tighter. "Nobody hates you." He said and leaned his head against Tyler's." "Sure?" Tyler said quietly, secretly hoping Josh didn't hear him. "Promise." Josh whispred.
They got out and found the classroom they were going to. They entred the classroom and everybody stared. Tyler bit the insides of his cheeks. His heart beat started to go crazy and his breathing followed. Josh grabbed Tyler's hand and they found a seat in the back of the classroom. "You okay?" Josh smiled at Tyler.
"Y-Yeah." He said still a little shook from what just happned. He allmost had a panic attack in front of so many people.When the teached welcomed Tyler and Josh, Tyler just wrote in his sketch book.
Everybody hates you!
Why are you even here?
Everybody thinks you're crazy!He skipped some pages and started to write again.
Thirsty, so thirsty.
My Heart, it's out of controll!
Breathing won't steady.
I need water.He looked over at Josh. He looked at Josh's chest and tried to sync his breathing with his. It did't work. Tyler raist his hand. "Yes, Joseph?" The teacher said. "Ca-" Tyler tried, he couldn't get the words out. "Wa-" he tried again. Someone looked at him and laughed. "He wants water, could he go and get some water please?" Josh asked and took Tyler's hand. "Sure." The teacher said.
Tyler walked to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. He looked at himself.
Why was he so different? Why weren't he normal? Like everyone else? Why couldn't he just be normal? He washed his face and took some water. Tyler looked at his phone, It was lunch time, he walked to the door but he got pushed back. A girl ran in and closed the bathroom door. She threw up. Tyler walked to the door where she was. "Hey, are you okay?" Tyler said and knocked at the door. She didn't say anything. He rolled his eyes and walked to the door. "No." the girl whispred. Right before Tyler walked out. He walked back and sat down in front of the door to hear her better. "I need help." She said quietly. "With what? I can help you." Tyler said. He wanted to help. "No." She said quietly. "No, you can't help me." She said a little louder. "Why?" Tyler said, he wanted to help her. "Bacause." She said. "Because I'm not normal." "Hey, there isn't such a thing as normal!" Tyler said a little more agressive than planned. She didn't say anything. The bell rang. "I-I have to go now, I'm sorry." He said and walked out."What were you doing?" Josh looked over at Tyler. Tyler looked down. "There was this girl." He said and Josh looked shocked at him. "Dude!" His mouth was wide open.
"No! Josh, It wasn't like that! Ew!" Tyler yelled. "She was throwing up. And I wanted to help her, but she said that I couldn't help her because she wasn't normal." Tyler wiped a tear. Josh hugged him. "I want to help her Josh." Tyler said and let go of Josh. He really wanted to help her, he didn't know why but he saw himself in her. "We should go and get something to eat before next lesson." Josh said and smiled to Tyler. "I'm not really hungry." Tyler said and laid down on his bed. "Okay. But I am. So I'm going to go get some food and I'll meet you in the next lesson, okay?" He said and smiled to Tyler. "Yeah." Tyler said and smiled back.The next day Tyler came to the classroom before Josh. Was this the room he was supposed to be in? What if it weren't. What if he was in the wrong room. Tyler checked the scedual he had in his book. It was the correct room, why weren't Josh there? Tyler looked around and found a seat in the back of the classroom. He took up his phone and wrote to Josh.
Tyjo: Hey, where are you?
Tyjo: Josh?
Jish: On my way, what room?
Tyjo: 108
Jish: okayTyler looked at the door. No one was there. He found his sketchbook. When he looked up a girl stood in front of him. A girl with long red ish hair and brown eyes. Tyler looked at her. "Hello." He said. He didn't know who she was. "Can I help you?" He said and looked at her. "Is this seat taken?" She said and looked at the chair besides him. "Uhm. No, go ahead." He recognized her voice, he just couldn't figure out who she was. "Thank you." She said a little quiet, so no one would hear her. "Uhm, I'm sorry. For what?" He still didn't know who she was. "Uhm, for what you said at the bathroom yesterday." She said and looked down. "Oh, No problem." Was that really her? She was gorgeous. Tyler was weird when it came to who he liked. He liked boys, but he allso liked girls. He was like in between gay and straight. Josh came in the classroom and looked at him with a smirk. Tyler blushed and looked down. Josh took a seat in front of Tyler and the girl.
When it was lunch time the girl ran down to the bathroom. Tyler followed. She ran in to a stall and threw up. She flushed and walked out. Tyler hid. Why did she throw up so much was she sick?
He walked to Josh. "She threw up again. Do you think she is really sick?" Tyler really wanted to help her. But he didn't know how. "You know, maybe she's forcing herself to throw up." Josh said and looked down. "Are there people that actually do that?" Tyler said comfused. "Yeah." Josh said with a low voice. "I used to do it." Josh said and looked up at Tyler. Tyler walked closer and hugged him. It was allways Tyler who cried on Josh's shoulder. But now it was Josh's turn. He tried to hold it in. But he couldn't. He cried. They sat down on Tyler's bed. And Tyler was comfused. Why would Josh do that to himself? Why would anyone do that to themself? Tyler was so curious. And he wanted to ask. But now he had to be there for Josh. He had to let Josh cry. It was the only right thing to do.

Things Get Better (I promise)
Fanfic(~•|JOSHLER|•~)-(~•TYSH•~)- Tyler is 19 and is going to college. When he meets a guy, a very cool guy, his friend, his best friend, his crush? But his ex is still mad at him for leaving without a word...