Tyler is 19 and is going to college. When he meets a guy, a very cool guy, his friend, his best friend, his crush? But his ex is still mad at him for leaving without a word...
Tyler walked out. The days had been quite stressfull and his anxity had been over the roof. He walked over to a litte café. It was cute. He walked in the doors and up to the small line that were forming. He ordered a coffee and sat down in a little cosy chair in the corner of the café. Tyler took a sip of his coffee. He finally felt relaxed. After all these weeks of being stressed out over nothing. His phone buzzed.
Text from: Maddy Maddy: Hey, where are you? Tyler: I'm in a little café in the city, why? Maddy: I just wanted to hanted to hang out before you leave.
Tyler were leaving today, he had to get back to school on monday.
Tyler: Okay, I'll come home.
As Tyler walked home he shuffled his playlist, something he usually didn't do because he liked it in order. But he just wanted to do it. And he came across a song he used to lisend to. It was called Youth by Daughter. He allmost started crying while listening to the lyrics.
And if you're in love, then you are the lucky one 'Cause most of us are bitter over someone Setting fire to our insides for fun To distract our hearts from ever missing them But I'm forever missing him
Tyler couldn't keep it in anymore. He let it all out and ran home. "Tyler, are you okay?" Maddie said when he came in the door. He just walked up on his room and sat down on the bed. He started shaking and crying. He just wanted to call Josh, but he is probably mad at him. He playd another song he hadn't playd in a long time. Medicine by Daughter. He packed his things and walked down tairs. "Tyler, are you leaving already?" His mom asked and walked up to him. "Yeah, I need to get back." He said fighting back tears. "Okay." His mother said and hugged him. His dad, Zack and Jey were at basketball practice. Maddy came down stairs. "Tyler?" She said and looked at him. "Yeah. I'm leaving." He said and looked down. He wiped a tear away. "Okay, but can I talk to you before you go?" She said and hugged him. "Yeah." He said and they walked out.
"Can you do me favour when you get there?" She said looking at him. He looked down. "Tyler, look at me." She said in a serious tone. "Please talk to Josh, I know you still like him. And if you don't see that, you're lying to yourself." She said and stepped closer to him and hugged him again. "I will, and yeah. I know I like him." He said and walked to the car. He packed up and looked down at Mr.Fluffles. "Maddy?" Tyler said and looked at her. "Yeah?" She said and smiled at him. He knealed down on one knee and held Mr. Fluffle up to her. "Would you make me a happy boy and take care of Mr. Fluffle?" He said and gave him to her. "Yes tyler." She said and held him close to her chest.
Then Tyler left. He left the drive way, the street, the road, the city, the state. And his family. His beatyfull family. His beatyfull sister, his mom, his dad, his brothers. He loved them to death. He found the hotel with the beatyfull forest behind it. He checked in and laid down on the bed.
What am I going to say to Josh?
Is he going to be mad at me?
Does he know I left?
Of course he knows....
Or maybe he don't care.
Tyler got up and walked out the door. He wanted to get some fresh air, he walked out to the forest behind the motel and snapped a picture.
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He sat down on the bench and closed his eyes. He really liked the nature. The trees made him feel alive. It made him feel special. It was a little bit foggy, but he liked it. It made the forest a little mysterious, spooky, creepy. And Tyler liked it. Tyler laid down on the table. His knees in the air and his arms out on the sides. It was so quiet, yet so noisy. He heard nothing, yet everything at the same time.
Tyler looked at his legs, then his arms, then his stumack. He didn't realize but he had gotten a lot thinner. Tyler grabbed his tummy.
Oh my god you are so fat!A dark voice said. Tyler got up and looked around all he saw was trees. "Hello?" Tyler yelled. "Who said that?" He yelled louder. You did. The voice said. Tyler looked around, there was no one there. Tyler stared shaking. He didn't like this. Now every noice had stopped. Every light that came in before, was gone. The only thing he saw was darkness. Why are you scared? The voice said. "I'm not scared!" Tyler yelled, his eyes started to water. He didn't like this at all. He got up and started walking home. Just because you're walking doesn't mean I'm not following, you know. The voice said. This really stared to creep Tyler out. He started running back. But of course, as clumsy as he is. He tripped. "Shit!" He yelled. His knee was all ripped up and was bleeding like crazy. Tyler walked back to his room and hurried to the bathroom. He really needed to clean this up. Tyler searched around in the cabinets for something to clean it up with, but there was nothing. He used paper and water. It stung like hell, but what other choice did he have? Tyler laid down on the bed and closed his eyes.
What was that voice?
He had never heard it before.
He's not going to like you.
"Who are you?" Tyler yelled.
I'm you.
It can't be
But I am
Tyler ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Be turned the shower on and laid down. He didn't take his clothes off. He just laid there. The water started turning red. The light started to flickre and Tyler's hands swithched between black and normal. Tyler felt like he was being choked.
I can't breathe.
Just a little longer Tyler
"How do you know my name?" Tyler yelled. He probably woke a lot of people up. But he needed answer from this person.