Part Thirteen(2)

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-Last Time On The Thirteenth Chapter-

Alfred: I'm not. I'm just narrating what's going to happen. *The elevator door opens, and a spooky voice said to enter*

Kiku: That's freaky....

Me: Don't make me take away your narrator powers.

Alfred: Whatever for dude?

Me: Your not supposed to tell everyone your a narrator, because the narrator talkes to the four wall!

Alfred: Oh right, my bad. Should have told me before.

Me: Nevermind.....

Francis: What iz thiz floor? *Looks around* Ziz place creepz me out.

Arthur: For once, I agree with France.

Ivan: Where are we?

Me: I wonder how the others are doing.

Alfred: And so, I must leave a cliff hanger here! Bye Dudes!

Me: HERE!!!


~In Story Format!~


     I looked around, only being able to see, because of a flickering light. I felt like it was going to turn off at some point, but it just kept flashing down the narrow hall.

     The carpet on this floor was much different than the rest of the hotel. It was red, with blue flower patterns. The walls had a white wall paper that covered them. They never seemed to be clean for years, as you can see tears and rips across the paper.

     Also in sight was six doors, on either side of us. Each with our names on them. The door were strangely shaped, as they look hastily put together, almost like an elaborate plan. Pushing such thoughts a side, as that it would be impossible to plan this out.

     I checked behind me to see how the others were doing. Francis was shivering in fear along with Arthur. In fact, I've never seen them so close before and not try to fight. Alfred was hugging Kiku and screaming about how he just saw a ghost. Kiku, on the other hand, was more focused on how to get free from the american's hands. Ivan was also freaking out, but in a more positive way. He was amazed at his surroundings and talking about how cool this floor looked.

     He began to have a dark purple aura, and everyone seemed to back away from him.

     "Elevator is broken, so there is no way back." Ivan told us, but he smiled at that thought. Guessing by how he entered this creepy place, no wonder people are scared of him. Plus, I don't think his sisters help with that either.

     Alfred flinched at the thought of never leaving this place, and I totally understand. We had no other choice though; we had to keep moving. I knew I had to tell them that, but would they even hear me? It's worth a shot!

     I then tried to yell "H-hey guys! I think it's best if-if we keep moving!" Just as I thought, no one heard me. Except Ivan though, because after I said that, he quickly nodded in agreement. Some how having the others come along as well.

     We decided to open the first door, labeled 'France'. Let see how goes.

     Upon opening we saw a regular room. Like any other in rest of the hotel. Besides the torn down walls, and the ripped up carpet. The furniture was also pretty damaged as well, being the bed, completely unusable.

     "Is this a room, or a collapsing floor?" I whispered. As usual, no one heard. Ivan was the first to enter, next being Arthur, followed by Francis and Kiku. Alfred being the last to creep through.

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