Ch. 11

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I know the story is getting boring. Oh well, spare shits with me guys. I got a lot of paperworks, so yeah. Sorry for shitty grammar of mine and typos amd such.

Happy New Year! xoxo

Ji Lin's POV

Everyone was busy. Some of them are excited for the results of exam especially those who strived hard. Crystal? I know she'll pass. She spent the whole week, studying.

Me? No need to ask. I know I'll fail. I always fail. Its not new to me. I've spent my entire week with my jobs. Life is really unfair.

I layed down on my desk, trying to sleep again since I woke up early. Its been one week since the day I was discharged from the hospital. Things changed a bit at home. Its been quiet. Simon sunbae, he's usually noisy but now, he's quiet. Gray? He's been acting weird. Jay? He's been calling me such endearments. They're weird. Really.

"The results of your examination is now out. Seventy-nine percent of this class passed. While the rest, failed." Our class adviser spoke reason to pulled back my thoughts.

Yeah. I'm in to that twenty-one percent. I thought and looked at outside the window. The sun was shining and it shriveled my skin. I really hate sunlight.

"I will now mention the top five students who got high scores in exam."

I closed my eyes and try to sleep again. Ignoring the fuss they were doing.

"Top five, Park Crystal"

"Top four, Ahn Ki Young"

"Top three, Moriyama Aki"

"Top two, Cha Taeguk"

"And lastly, top 1, Kwon Ji Lin"

I've heard it. And I don't care. But there's this creature who keep on poking me.

"Yah, you're on top 1! Go, get your card!" Crystal spoke and kept on poking me.

"I don't give a f. Get lost." I only said and closed my eyes. I just hate people today. Duh

"You're not satisfied of your grades?" She asked, still poking me.

"If you want my grades, go, get it. I don't care. Just.. get lost." I said and sleep again.

Third Person's POV

Break time.

While Ji Lin was sleeping there's this creature who keep on staring at her. The creature named, Jungkook. The ever so handsome guy from Busan.

"Staring is rude." She spoke, still laying on her desk with her eyes closed.

"I thought you were sleeping."

"Don't trust thoughts. They're dangerous." She said.

"How can she got on top one? I never seen her studying. Plus the fact that she keep on cutting classes." Their classmate, Ki Young spoke. Ji Lin have heard it but she ignored it. Don't you know her motto is 'i don't care about the world'? Yeah.

"Maybe she cheated on exam. Like, she used her famous brother just to pass the exam. Or she stole the answer key sheets from the faculty room." Cha Taeguk said.

"Ugh, just thinking about it, its ridiculous!"

Jungkook was about to speak up in behalf of his friend, when Ji Lin immersed from her desk. She looked at them with piercing eyes.

"Why are you looking at me?" Ki Young said and glared at her

"How horrible you are" Taeguk said to her.

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