Before we get into anything too complicated I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry if the pictures are blurry, I'm sorry if they have glares on them, I'm sorry if they aren't appealing to the eye! I took pictures of pictures for this post and I tried my hardest to make them look presentable. Now I'm going to attempt to explain them.
One more thing. To see a bigger picture of my pictures just right click and select View Image (or something like that)
Photo 1: This photo is mostly me and my mom and our Jeep BUT in the background you can see our little house. Yes, that tiny house was where I grew up. Let me remember here...2 bedrooms (1 usable one when we moved it) 1 bathroom, small kitchen/dining room, a dark cellar (YES, cellar...dirt floor and all) a living room, and a storage/computer room.
The house was really small. It had belonged to my Great Grandparents before us, this means that it was old. Just recently it was demolished and in it's place stands apartments. On demolish day part of my family and I went to watch it get torn down. Let's just say that it didn't look like it was hard to pull down the walls. I miss that old home. I miss driving by it and reminiscing about all the good times.
Photo 2: This picture is basically the view from the house. The very furthest part of the picture (that white thing with the barn looking door) is our garage. I remember the day I was strong enough to slide that huge door open by myself. If my memory is functioning correctly today I believe that the garage used to hold train tracks...something about trains going through there???? I really can't remember. But I want you to remember as you read this, this house was very, very, very old. It was old when we moved in. 50-100 years old when it was demolished. I'd like to say closer to 100 years. It was a piece of history.
Photo 3: There is me. But I don't want you to focus on me. I want you to notice those red poles in the background. Behind those green bushes is a patio. I loved that patio. I remember spending a lot of time there. From where the picture is taken the house is on the right and the garage is on the left.
Photo 4: Ah, a pinata (is that really how you spell it?) Forget that we are celebrating my birthday in this picture and take a look at the surroundings. First notice the red poles...yep, you guessed it. I've taken you onto the patio. Now, look further into the distance. Everything is a bit dead but back there, if you focus hard enough is a big bunch of trees. Isn't the yard BIG! The thing I remember most about this house is the yard. My sisters, cousins, friends, and I used to play countless games in that yard. From where this photo is take the house is on the left and the garage is back by those trees but to the left.
Photo 5: Now I take you to that group of trees we talked about in photo 4. This is my most favorite part. This is the miniature forest. This is where we would set traps to catch squirrels and leprechauns. This is where my cousin and I would fight our wars with our imaginary friends and enemies. This is where my favorite tree was planted..the one that grew out horizontally instead of vertically. *sigh* I miss this place the most.
Now, lets forget the pictures for a moment. This house was small yes, but the yard was gigantic, especially in the eyes of 5 year old. Besides the features we talked about there was a little shed behind the house (we weren't allowed to go into there). There was a little shed over by the garage (this is where we found a little kitten that we later talked our parents into keeping). There was also a field right next to our house. It had a railroad track. I remember my parents didn't want us playing there, but for some reason I have a lot of memories playing in that field. I don't know why...I don't know if I didn't listen to my parents or if I finally was old enough to play???? I just don't remember.
Well, that's my house. The house I grew up in.
What fun memories do you have of your childhood?
Hello World Part 1 (100 Day Photo Challenge!)
De TodoAre you up to the challenge? This is the question I ask myself every time I see how many more days I have to go on my 100 day photo challenge. If you want to know a little bit more about me this is the place to look. See everything from pictures...