Day 77: Something That Annoys You

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I'm sorry if you chew gum, this is not directed towards you.  You don't annoy me if you chew gum.  What annoys me about gum is when people chew it and they smack.  They chew it with their mouth open.  If you are one of these people I beg of you!  Please stop!

I don't mean any offense.  I don't care how you chew your gum, I just find it annoying to watch and hear someone chew their gum with their mouth open making that smacking sound.  It's not appealing in any way, shape, or form.  Please, if you do this, I'm not trying to make you feel bad...keep doing it just be aware of what you are doing.

Do you chew with your mouth open when you are eating food?  *sigh* Sorry people who do this but this is what annoys me.

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