Chapter 2 - Strange Stuff Happens

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Well, the rest of the day passed fast, 'cause it was Friday. Finally, the bell rang. I packed up quick and went outside of the school, waiting for Becky to come.

"Boo!" I heard from behind me. "Over here!" I turned around and saw her waving at me. I went towards her.

"Hi, Becks! Umm... Shall we?" I asked her.

"Of course. Let's go!" she said.

All the way there, we talked about how boring school was, about our hard projects, and other stuff.

We finally got there. The cafe was full of people. Luckly, we found a table for two.

"What would you like?" a woman asked us.

"Well, I'll take an Ice Tea." I said.

"Me too."

"Anything else?"

"No, that's all." we said in unison. It happens all the time. (lolz)

She left, and came back soon with our drinks. She put them on the table and left. We kept talking, and we didn't realise how much time had past. We paid the drinks, and left for Becky's house.

All that time I kept thinking: "Man, I should confess my feelings for her. After all, what can go wrong? If she has the same feelings, then we'll be happy. If not... then we'll stay friends."

We arrived in the front of her house. "Okay, this is it." I thought. "I'll tell her right here, and right now. Calm down, J, calm down."

"Umm... Becky?"


"I-I need to tell you something."

"Okay, tell me."

"Listen, I want to make sure we'll stay friends after I tell you this, okay?"


I looked in her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes, as mine. I took a deep breath, and spoke.

"Becky, I-"

"Seems that you'll never get to tell her what you were about to!" I heard an evil voice behind me, and felt a sharp pain in my heart. The guy stabbed me with a knife stained in a  shining blue goo. But not any knife.

The Dagger. I thought that I destroyed it the last time when I used it.

I fell to the ground, and the only thing I saw next, was the guy stabbing Fae in the heart, and my whole body beginning to dissapear in small blue cubes.

Wait. That guy. He seems familliar, maybe too familiar.

No. It can't be...


[A/N] 'Sup kittens?

Hmm... 6 reads... Well, it is a good start. Thank you very, very much for reading my story! Please forward it, if you can. It could be a great Christmas present! I love you guys so much. (not in that way... :3)

Anyway, I hope that you liked this chapter, I worked hard on it (30 minutes), and I'm sorry if it's too short. I don't have much to say, so, bye! *brofist*

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