Chapter 5 - The Kiss

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--Jason's POV--

It's been a month since me and Becky got in Minecraft. Things are very good here. We built a bigger house, we went mining two days a week (yes, we kept evidence of the days), and we were well fed.

Becky was in charge with the potions, because she "studied" the potions' composition, and I was in charge with the weapons and tools, because here isn't so easy as on the computer. That means that you can't craft the weapons; you must make them, so yeah.

Our house was now bigger than the other one, and was now situated near the sea and a cave with an abandoned mineshaft near the entrance. We built a huge farming platform near it. The house had now a kitchen, a room for me and Becks, a huge training dome, a laboratory, a smelting room, and a big storage. Near the house there was a huge mountain. On the top I built an observation tower for me to scout the surroundings for anything that could happen.The cool thing was that you can even find BOOKS in the hidden chests. I mean readable books, with stories, guides, and other stuff. We found pretty much of them, and we made a whole library. Cool, right?

In one word, everything was fine.

For now.



"Yeah?" I was in the kitchen, making some food, because we were running out of it.

"I have a problem." she moans.

"I'm coming now!"

She was in her room, laying on her bed.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel bad. My stomach hurts, and my vision is dizzy and blurry."

"Oh no." I say then kneel next to her bed and grab her hand. "You ate some poisonous potatoes. Seems that the poison is strong. From when do you feel like this?"

"Almost 2 hours."

"2 hours?! Wow, you should've told me earlier, so I could make something for you. Now I need to get more materials."

I stood up and sighed. "Look, stay here, I'll go to get the materials, ok?"

"Ok..." she moaned.

"Be right back!"

I got to the storage and got a sword and my best enchanted armor, some food and some potions. Then I left the house and headed to the cave.

"Okay, let's see... I need 3 bones for bone meal, some melon seeds, and some redstone."

I went in the mineshaft, and searched for some skeletons. Finally, I found some. I killed them, and took the bones.

I found a chest short after, and it was almost full with cool stuff. I took all of it, and of course there was redstone and melon seeds.

I soon returned to the house and went to the lab. I took a bottle with water, I made the bone meal and poured it in the bottle, then the redstone, then the melon seeds. The composition starts to glow. I quickly get it and pour it in the boiling bottle. Soon after, the potion was ready.

I went to Becky's room and gave her the potion.

"Are you sure it will work?"

"Of course. It will heal you almost instantly. But be careful. It doesn't taste too good."

With a last disgusted look at the potion, she drank it. In the next minute, she was healthy.

"Thank you so much, Jason." she said then hugged me. I hugged her back, surprised.

"It's getting late. Want to get some sleep?" I asked her.

"No, not at all. I feel fresh!"

"Hmm, it doesn't surprise me. The potion you drank had some side effects. This was one of them."

"Wait. One of them?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't want to scare you. The other effect is a slight chance of nausea. But don't worry. It doesn't happen many times."

"Oh. Well, what should we do?"

"I have an idea. Come."

Finally, I get to do this with her. I can show her what have I done. Maybe I'll confess, who knows?

"Where are we going ?"

"You'll see."

We went in the storage, and then in the tunnel which goes to the observator. She didn't know about it. We finally arrived at the stairs.

"Close your eyes."

I led her up the stairs, and then we arrived. We were in the observator. It was just a big semisphere covered in glass and dirt. The ground was made of wood, covered with brown carpets.

"Can I open my eyes now?"

"Yes, you can."

She opened her eyes slowly.

"Wow. What is this place?"

"Wait a second. Look up."


I went to the lever, then pulled it.

The dirt above us starts to move, until all that you can see is the glass, and the black sky.

"Oh my God... You made this, Jason?"


"It's beautiful!"

"I know. Come here."

I laid on the ground, and so did she.

"Wow, it's beautiful..."

"You know what's more beautiful than this?"



She blushes deeply. "Thank you."

I sighed. "Becky, do you remember the day when we got trapped in here?"


"Do you remember that I wanted to say something to you?"

"Yeah. What did you want to say?"

"I-I want you to know that I know you for a very long time. From the first grade or earlier, I don't know. You were always so kind to me, and, despite the fact that I was being mocked by the other kids, you were always bringing people to-"

But I didn't even finish my sentence, and she kissed me. Immediatly, sparks shot trough my body. Surprisingly, she kisses back. I grab her waist and pull her closer to me, while she puts her hands around my neck.

Finally, we pulled out of the kiss.

"I like you too, Jason." she said with a smile.

"You do?"


And, without even knowing, we fell in a deep, sweet and welcomed sleep.

[A/N] Hey guys!

I'm sorry I didn't update a long time, but I have some bad news, for me, of course.

My girlfriend wanted to take a break. You know what I mean. Not split up, just take a break.

She said that I'm changed, that she thinks I might not love her, that I'm cheating on her. I would never do that to her! I love her!

Anyway, please leave sugestions about what should I do to win her love again, or I might end up not finishing this story.

Thanks for your support! Please comment, rate, and pass the story to any friends.


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