Chapter 9 - Just A Filler

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---Jason's POV---

"Now, where's Jack?"

"J-Jack? Didn't you-"

"No. I'll explain later. Let's go find Jack."


We found him in some closet, snoring loud.

"Jack? Jack, wake up."

No answer.


Still mute. Seems that I have to go the hard way.

I grabbed a bucket and filled it with ice cold water, then I threw the water on him.

"Blergh-- What the heck?!"

"You didn't wake up, so-"

"So what, you picked the hard way?" he said mocking me.

"Well, yeah." I said grinning. "Now get up."

"Huh. We'll have to put an iron golem at the entrance." I said, concerned. "I think I have some iron in the chests."

"I have pumpkin seeds." Becky said.

"Good. Give me a pumpkin, and I'll prepare the iron. Oh, and Jack?"


"You better get some sleep. You've been exposed too long to the effects of the sword."

"Okay. But you've been exposed too."

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"Wait, guys. What are you talking about? What is the sword?" said Becky with a confused look.

"Well, you know the legend of you-know-who, don't you? You know, Notch's brother."

"Yes, of course."

"Well, he really exists. And you don't know everything about him.

First, whe you say his name, something bad will happen. Like now.

Second, when he was a human, he forged a sword with the power of the darkness. This sword has the capacity to posess everyone who touches it, and fill their souls with envy, evil and hatred for everyone.

And third, he has the capacity to create evil entities who look like us, the shadow folks - that's what I call them. This time, the one that tried to kill you wasn't Jack.

But enough chit-chatting, let's do this golem!"

"Okay!" cheered everyone.

Later, we were ready with the materials.

"Ready?" I said.

"As always."

I placed the four blocks of iron in the correct pattern, then I took the pumpkin. With one last glance at the iron, I placed the pumpkin.

Suddenly, the sky started to get more cloudy. Soon, it was covered with black, puffy clouds. Wind started to blow fast, and I realised that a tornado was forming. And the centre was the golem. Before I realised, it started to rise and rise, until it was 20 blocks above us. 

Then we heard  a terrible thunder. The golem was being struck by several lightnings.

The wind started to subside, and the newborn golem was getting down. 

"Ugh... I?"

"You're now at my house."

"M-Master?" said the golem, then he knelt.

"Master, your word is my duty."

"How shall I call you?" I said, then the perfect name popped up in my head.

"Sven. Your name is Sven."

"Thank you, Master."

"Sven, your duty is to defend my house and to keep us safe. For now."

"Yes, master."

I spent the rest of the day admirind our new defender.

Our new friend.

[A/N] Hey, guys!

I am SO SO SO SO sorry for the late update and for the filler chappie, but time does not permit updating. :(

Enjoy this chapter!


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