Chapter 13 - Me, As A Leader?

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As I slowly began to wake up from my sleep, I noticed that Becky wasn't next to me anymore. In fact, no one wasn't there at all. Even the torches were out. The last thing that was changed was the hole from the obsidian wall. I slowly got out from the cave, and saw the most terrifying image I've ever seen.

The now burning village had even more fire than the last time. But the bloody wall in front of me was the grave of every single villager. All of them had swords struck in their chests and looks of pure fear and agony on their faces.

But Becky wasn't there either.

Then, out of nowhere, an evil, dark figure appeared in front of me.

"Soon, Jason, you will join them. You will join them on that wall. And I promise, you will be put somewhere where everyone will see you. Your only hope is joining me. Joining my army. Joining the dark side."

With that, he snapped his fingers, and Becky appeared in is hands. He was holding her with a hand, and in the other hand was a sword. The Sword. She was crying.

"Jason... Save me..." She said trough the sobs.

"Aww, look at her. Do you like to see her crying? She needs you to save her. So, what do you say? Are you able to leave your friends - leave her - for me? Or are you going to suffer the most horrific death, along with the rest of them?"

"I'd rather die than join your evil army!"

"As you wish."

And with that, he slit her throat.


"Becky!" That was the only thing I could say as I stood up from my bed, my chest rising and falling heavily. The door bursted open.

"Oh, Jason... Another nightmare?" Becky's voice echoed trough my room.

"Becky... You're okay..."

"Of course I am, honey, but you aren't. Was it the same?"

"Yes. The same nightmare a week straight. Night by night. I'm going insane, Becky, I... I..."

"No, you're not. Herobrine is messing with your mind."

"I AM going insane! Herobrine has nothing to do with this!"

"Yes, he has! You have the demon inside you, remember?"


"Yes, the demon. You haven't used it in a long time."

"The demon... The demon! Becky, you are a genius! How can I've been so blind?"

"What are you talking about?"

"When the demon entered me, I helped him to enter. But it wasn't with my will. Herobrine was controlling me trough the demon!"

"Yeah, so? With what is that helping you?"

"The only way to stop him from controlling me is to kill him. We've been hiding all of the time from him. But now is the time to strike." 

Just then, Ken entered the room.

"Uhh... Am I interrupting something?"

"No, of course not. What is it?"

"Becky didn't tell you? We're having a meeting. Come on, it's morning."

"Yah, I forgot to tell you."

"C'mon, get dressed."


They left the room. I opened my chest and got my white jacket and a patch of leather, 'cause it was cold. I left my room too, and went to our new-dug meeting room. All of them were there, waiting for me.

"Ah! Jason. I see you're awake. Did you sleep well?" asked Sam, but immediately apologised for the last question. "I know you have problems with that dream. It's the same?"

"Exactly the same. For a week straight."

"Damn. But we have something to tell you. Take a seat."

I noticed that the only available seat was in the head of the table. That was strange, besause Sam usually sat there. I sat down, anyway.

"We all remember the tragic murder of our mayor, Scar." When Sam said that, I coud hear whisperings and I coud even see some gazes that were being turned to me. "And we know that it wasn't Jason's fault."With that, he took a short break and looked at the people who stared at me. "As you know, now we have no one to lead us. And we need a leader, because we can't live without rules." Again, he took a short break, and looked at me.

"We have talked and everyone has decided: Jason, we want you to be our new leader."


"Yes, you. You are the only one here that has the qualities of a true leader. But we need one last vote: yours. What do you say?"

I hesitated at first, but the thought of defeating Herobrine made me decide.

"I say yes."

Everyone cheered in joy.

"And I say we need to make our battle plan, because we're going to fight Herobrine. We were always running from him, hiding of him. But now that times are over. We need to fight him. We need to defeat him. We need to destroy him."

"But he has an entire army with him. We won't stand a chance!" said Ken.

"You're right. You won't." said a voice who sounded familliar. A bit too familliar. "Unless you get some extra help."

Could it be?

[A/N] Hey, guys!

I am so so so so sorry for the filler chapter, but I have some personal issues going on right now and I really have almost no time to update.

I'm sorry that I can't repay the 62 reads. Thanks soo much for reading and sharing.

I'd like to thankAndreiSkiexyth and DenysaDe for voting and following me. Thank you guys!

Well, nothing else to say. Read, comment, vote and share the story. Love you guys! You know what I mean. ;)


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