Chapter 3 - Realisation (Part 1)

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I was standing in the lab, looking at the dagger. Thinking. Thinking of the posibilities.

That dagger, combinated with Miranium, would be the key to another dimension. 

Minecraft. The game itself.

My thoughts were interrpted by a loud voice. It was Jake.

"Umm... Jason?"


"Come here. Quick."

He was standing at the computer.

"I'm here. What is it?"

"I... I think I found something..."

I came closer to him.


"I've done it. I found the right combination."

He turned to me. "Do you even realise what that means?"

I was shocked. Finally, after all these months, we found it.

"We need to build a portal." I managed to say.

"Do you think it's not already built?" Jake said with a wide grin on his face.

"But... how are we going to get the Miranium? It's almost impossible to find. Besides, we need it in large quantities."

"Well, I searched and searched, and then... guess what I found? An entire reservoir of pure Miranium."

Suddenly, I heard a faint "moo". The sound became louder and louder, and then my vision got blurry. I fell on my knees, and the only thing I could hear was Jake's voice.

"We've done it."


I woke up on the soft grass, just to find a cow staring at me. I got up.

"Hmm. It's morning. Maybe I got used being in the game." I spoke to myself.

I looked to the left, and I saw Becky laying on the grass.

"Oh no." I thought. "Becky's here. Oh God. She got stabbed too."

I left her there, and went to find some trees and sheep. Short after I found a forest full of sheep. Lucky shot.

I cut down some trees and made some wooden planks. Then I killed some sheep and took their wool.

I soon returned to Becky, who was still laying there. I started to build a small house for us. Then I made some beds. After finishing, I got Becky in the house, on her bed.

I was done near midday. I was glad that when you are in the game, the day and the night are both longer than on computer. 

Just then, Becky woke up.

[A/N] Hey, kittens!

Woo! The story gets readed more and more! Woo!

Thanks again sooo much for reading my story. I really appreciate. I mean, 5 readers in 3 or 4 days... It's awesome! I love you guys!

This chapter isn't so long, but I worked hard on it, almost 2 hours. No joking. :)

Anyway, happy holidays! I wish you the best for the next year!

Bye! *brofist*

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