Chapter 1: May and Max Maple

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I can't believe I'm YOLO-ing this one but...

I started this story around November 2016 and I stopped at 7 chapters by December 2016. I initially wanted to put this behind but...ya know...i read what I've finished thus far and felt connected to the story again.

I initially wanted to finish the whole thing before publishing buuuut...i wanna see how this goes



Good evening. This is Cece Collins live here in Rosace Town where a mysterious creature was spotted. Although many have said they never saw the creature from head to toe due to its sneakiness. No one has taken a picture of this creature; however, businessman Harold Ross believes that this creature is dangerous. He claims that this creature was responsible for the disappearance of two of his men. Although, this is not yet proven to be true, but many seem to believe the businessman's words.

Many researchers have become curious about this creature. Some say that it is a Pokemon. Some say it is like the Ultra Beasts found in the Alola region. Some believe that this creature might actually be mythical.

We hope to find out more about this creature soon. But for now, it remains a mystery.

Cece Collins signing off, and have a great summer!


"Max." His mother called. "It's dinner time."

Max Maple is a 15-year-old boy interested in science and mysteries. No doubt, he is interested in the creature they were talking about on the news. He would even join forum discussions and online groups just to discuss the mysteries of this creature. He even made some friends who plan on investigating about the creature down to the last drop, and no doubt that he wants in too.

Max took a seat on his usual chair at the dining table. They gave thanks for the food and started eating. They would usually have discussions about school, life, and the gym his father is running.

"Max?" His father said. Max looked up to him. "Your mother and I have been talking about this trip to Rosace Town you've been wanting to go to...and well..."

"I get it. You guys are not going to let me go because it's too dangerous. And I just wanna's not even proven that this creature is dangerous. That businessman might just be lying or something." Max assumed.

"Max...we know how much you want to go there. And yes, it might get dangerous especially since we won't be able to go there with you. For us, it is important for that you are happy. And you know, there's nothing wrong with having a curious mind. And that is why...we are allowing you to go to Rosace Town. In fact, we had already gotten you tickets." His mother said.

"Wait...really?! Thank you so much!" Max exclaimed.

"Wow. Max gets to go on his little nerd trip. How exciting." May, Max's older sister, sarcastically said.

"Wait, Max. You will go under one condition." Their father said.

"You have to bring your sister with you. Someone has to look after you." Their mother said.

"WHAT?!" Max and May yelled.

"Are you kidding me? I have to babysit little miss troublemaker here?" Max complained.

"Excuse me? I'm 18, mom. If anything, I should have left here and started living on my own, but you guys say I'm not ready. And now you're telling me I should accompany him on his nerd trip?!" May complained.

"May, we believe you're not ready is because of the trouble you've been causing. It may not look like it, but this is a win-win situation. Max gets to go on his trip, and you get to prove that you can be a responsible adult." Their mother explained.

"Ugh fine." May replied. "Just don't let me get involved in this stuff, okay."

"I'm still not okay with this." Max said.

"Okay, if it really bothers you, you won't go." Their father said.

"Okay FINE." Max said in defeat. "Just don't do something that will get in me trouble, okay."

"K." May replied.

Later that a chatroom with Max's online friend.

Thiccle-af: So...what did your parents say?

MaximumMax01: I CAN GO!! !YESSS!!

Thiccle-af: AWESOME!!! I guess we don't need this fake summer camp brochure anymore.

MaximumMax01: What?

Thiccle-af: Well...I thought you might need it.

MaximumMax01: Thanks. But...there's one problem.

Thiccle-af: If you're asking about my username, my sister changed it when I wasn't looking.

MaximumMax01: Oh...okay. Why didn't you change it back?

Thiccle-af: You were already chatting me.

MaximumMax01: Whoops. ANYWAY...that's not the real problem. My problem is that I'm forced to bring my older sister with me.

Thiccle-af: You mean your troublemaking sister? Why is she like that anyway?

MaximumMax01: I feel like it started when...idk...something about her old boyfriend I guess.

Thiccle-af: Really now...

MaximumMax01: Eh. That's not really relevant. It just sucks that I have to bring her.

Thiccle-af: Don't worry. I'm bringing my younger sister too. This is her punishment for changing my username.

MaximumMax01: So...we have to look after two distraught girls.

Thiccle-af: sister is actually excited about this.

MaximumMax01: Oh...that's neat. My sister wants none of this.

Thiccle-af: Trust me...she'll become interested about this. This is a huge deal.

MaximumMax01: We'll see...

Thiccle-af: Okay...we need to rest up. See you in Rosace Town really soon.

MaximumMax01: I can't wait. THIS WILL BE EPIC!!!


So...not much happened in this chapter. I'll try not to make the chapters super lengthy, but I don't know.

What adventures do you think will our heroes face?

Just...what is the deal about this mysterious creature?

Find out in the chapters to come.

Thank you so much for reading this, and I hope you guys stay tuned for the next chapters.

And I know the summary says that this is a Contestshipping story. However, the Contestship parts won't be obvious...I think...for a huge chunk of this story. So...if you guys will be like, "OMG, where's Drew???" Trust me, he will show up eventually.

Question of the Day: If you were a character from Pokemon, who would you be and why?

It's not that I am like this person, but I would like to be Cynthia just because she's a tough trainer, and yet she is so chill.

Okay. Elemeno out!

BTW, thiccle-af is a real account that is definitely not managed by me. Please don't look at the description. LOLOLOL.

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