Chapter 18: Love is natural

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Ross HQ

Max and Bonnie were stuck on the same jail cell they saw during the investigations.

Both of them trembled in fear and worry. They were scared of what could happen to them. They'd ask Ross some questions when he visited them, but he refused to speak a word.

They also thought of their families. They worried so much for them.

It's been really quiet for them the past few days. It was the same boring metal bars. The same view of machines. The room was dark and gloomy. There were no windows, so they couldn't tell if it was day or night.

Well, at least they had each other. Dedenne, who was in Bonnie's bag that whole time, still stuck with them.

Oh how Dedenne wished that he could do something. Anything.

He investigated the room one day in hopes of looking for the keys or anything that can free them. After all, the electric mouse was small enough to get through the metal bars. However, Ross caught him on the act. He was placed on a smaller cage and was brought back to the jail cell.

They wanted to get out. They knew they couldn't do anything at that point. They just hoped and prayed that the rest of the group would come to their rescue. Heck, they hoped that anyone would come for them.

Right now, they sat on the cold hard floor. It was another day of hoping and waiting.

"How long does Ross want to keep us in here? It's been days and he hasn't even done anything. Are we just being held as hostages until the monster is surrendered?" Max asked.

"I guess so." Bonnie replied. "I believe Clemont and the others are gonna do something about it. I know it!"

Max faintly smiled. "You're pretty confident."

Nya. Dedenne cried.

"Oh, Dedenne. I wish I could get you out of that small cage." Bonnie said as she carried the cage.

"Bonnie? If we get out of here, what do you plan on doing next?" Max suddenly asked.

"" Bonnie said as she placed the cage on her lap. "Well, it depends. Of course I still want to help May. But if that's resolved, Clemont and I will be going back to Lumiose City."

"Oh. You guys should visit Petalburg someday. It's very quaint and quiet for a city."

"It must be nice to live in a quiet place like that. Lumiose is very loud and busy city. People do call it the biggest city in the world."

Suddenly, one of the hidden doors opened. It looks like another day and another encounter with Ross himself.

"Good morning, runts." Ross greeted while he wore an evil grin. The two remained quiet.

He laughed.

"I bet you kids are interested in what I have planned for you. I've been keeping you in the dark, but now it's time for me to fill you in. You meddling kids are acquainted with these machines, right? It took a few days to warm them up, but now they are raring to go. Officer Jenny wanted to meet today, but I said that I was busy. I can't hold this back any longer." Ross continued.

The two just glared at him.

"You've been met up with that monster, right? I might as well fill you in. That boy is the one I called 'The Experiment.' In truth, he was human. He's the son of some dumb researcher who invested using the Tech Me Later program." Ross explained.

"I guess he really is Drew." Max uttered.

"He was meant for bigger things, but he got away thanks to my useless daughter." Ross continued. "Well, now that I have the two of you here, I have no need for Hayden's son. He can live out whatever life he wants. Of course, no woman would fall in love with a freak like him."

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