Chapter 2: Meet Up

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A few days later...

May and Max have arrived in Rosace Town, and they are at some coffee shop. They arrived ahead of Max's friend, so May decided on going to a coffee shop.

"Excuse me, one Chai Tea Latte for Max and one Pumpkin Spice Latte for May." The purple-haired waitress said as she served them their drinks.

"Pumpkin Spice Latte? Talk about basic chic things." Max muttered.

"Shut the heck up, Max. This place already is amazing because they have this even if it's not fall season." May said. "And really...Chai Tea?"

"It's sweet and much healthier." Max replied. "It also gets my mind running."

"Healthier? You sound like a hipster." May said.

"Pssh. You're the hipster." Max retorted.

"I thought I was basic? Make up your mind." May said as she took a sip of her latte.

"Ugh. Whatever. You know...I'm surprised you never even bothered escaping throughout our ride here." Max said.

May thought for a while. "Welp. It's not really smart to jump off a ship and swim to wherever."

"Good point. Wow. I didn't know you were smart. Huh...I guess that's how you graduated high school." Max replied.

"Whatever." May said. "When is your nerd friend coming? I already want to relax in the hotel room and just chill there with unlimited Wi-Fi."

"I don't know. I already told him that we'd just be here. I told him I'm the guy with dark teal hair with glasses and a green shirt." Max said.

" don't even know how he looks like?" May asked.

"Not even in the slightest. All I know is that he comes from Lumiose City, he is 17-years-old and he likes science. That's it." Max said.

"Wow..." May muttered.

Suddenly, a blonde-haired girl entered the coffee shop, and she went to the counter to order. Max and May both looked at her. May then looked at her brother and saw that he was staring at her like he was in a trance. She chuckled.

After ordering, she looked around and saw May and Max. Max noticed her looking at them and he looked away. However, the girl didn't hesitate to approach them.

"Hey there, are you Max?" The girl asked.

Max looked up. "H-how did you know?"

"Holy crap, this girl is your nerd friend?" May chuckled.

" brother told me to go look for guy with dark teal hair with glasses, and there you are." The girl said.

" you must be Clemont's younger sister then?" Max said.

"Yup. I'm Bonnie, by the way. It's nice to meet you, Max." Bonnie said.

May made a fake cough.

"Oh...this is my troublemaking sister, May." Max introduced.

"Nice to meet you too, May." Bonnie said. May smiled.

"So...where is Clemont?" Max asked.

"He went to the boarding house we're going to be staying in for the summer." Bonnie replied.

"Wait...did she say boarding house?" May asked.

"Well...we couldn't really afford a hotel. I mean...we might be able to afford a hotel if it was only for a few days, but we'd be here most likely the whole summer." Bonnie replied.

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