Chapter 9: Drew Hayden

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Honestly, this chapter could have just been included in the last one, but I don't wanna make the chapters super long. And I kinda wanted to end the last chapter on a more dramatic note...ya...sure...


"Drew Hayden. Do you know who he is? Is he that cousin you were talking about?!" May frantically asked.

"May, just because he has green hair and green eyes too doesn't mean her cousin is actually Drew. Sure, mutual friend. Maybe they met somewhere else or something." Max commented.

"May? Wait...your name is May?" Milani asked the brunette. "As in...May Maple? As in his girlfriend, May Maple?!"

May exhaled. "That would be me."

Milani covered her face in a shock. was more of her feeling stupid. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh."

"Wow, Melanie. And you didn't want to talk to them at first. That's a yikes." Jace commented.

"Oh shut up, Facey!" Milani yelled as she looked at Jace. She then takes a deep breath and returns her attention to May. "May, I deeply apologize about the way I acted when we first saw each other. If I had known that you were May Maple, then I would've totally asked for your help right away. Wait...of course. That's why you're here, right? You're here to look for Drew too?"

May wore a sad look on her face. Tears then started falling down on her cheeks.

"May? Are you alright?" Bonnie asked.

"I-I feel bad, okay!" May cried. "I feel bad that I just moped and never did anything to see him again. I just did horrible things to get over him. I feel stupid. I AM stupid, huh?!"

"May, calm down." Clemont said.

"May, you're not stupid." Milani added.

"No. It's okay. I get it. Milani, you're out here literally going far and beyond to go look for Drew. I did not even think of looking for him in this damn place. I didn't even think he'd go to such place. Still...what the hell did I do? Nothing! NOTHING!" May continued.

"May, please." Milani said as she held May's arms. "Drew would not want to see you like this. If anything, it's not your fault. It's his. He didn't tell you about where he went. He didn't tell anyone. He just left notes to me saying that he left."

"Still...I came here because I was forced to do so. I didn't come here looking for him. Heck, maybe I don't even deserve him at this point. Ever since he left, all I became was selfish. He didn't even tell me where he went. He never even gave me a heads up about it. Maybe that shows that he doesn't trust me."

"May, he trusts you completely." Milani assured as she released her hold on May. "Oh wait...of course...I have just the thing to..."

Milani searched her bag and she brought out two things.

"A phone and a piece of paper?" Jace questioned.

"Take these, May." Milani said as she handed the things to May. "It's his phone and a letter that he wrote just for you. I guess he just hoped that our paths will meet. Lucky for him."

"Wait...why would you give me his phone then?" May asked.

"Well...I don't know his passcode. I charged his phone to look for whatever clues I could get, but he had a passcode to go along with it. I just kept on charging it to make sure it remains functional...if that works." Milani replied.

"Wait!" Max suddenly said. "Milani, did Drew's parents really ask money from Ross?"

"Yup. It was some invention made by his dad. I don't have much clue as to what that invention is, though." Milani replied.

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