Thranduil's Heartless Obsession.

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Chapter One

Monsters like me

She stared at the play of sunlight on the marble of Aragon's palace. Gondor was not to her taste it.never really had been. The social structure was as restricting as the elves were. If a people had to be chained by the society they dwelled in how could they be comfortable in the prescence of others. None in such a society would form the bonds needed to survive in times of war and peace.

She ignored the soft whispers of doubt and prejudice. Decisions were being made to either make alliances with her people of forsake her people to isolation. Cursed elves they were with fangs and claws. Blood was needed to survive, that never set well with any race in middle earth.

She was growing tired of hearing Aragon and Gandalf defending her. Her biggest nay sayer was Thranduil woven king of Mirkwood. She knew him well and she loved him as she disdained him.

She wished she would have had a choice in loving him. For her kind though there was no choice in the one you loved. It was chosen for you and it wasn't something easily shaken.

She walked gracefully and with great purpose towards the open center of the room. A room full of narrow minded men and a few friends. This would be all she would say before she took her leave. Her time was valuable as it was. She would not waste it on those unworthy of her time.

"My lords and ladies if I may speak a few short words and take up but a few moments of your time, then I will take my leave. I did not agree or rather believe coming before you would do any good other than all of you telling me how much of a monster I am." She paused a moment letting her gaze drift across.the sea of faces. Settling a moment on a select few of the faces

"I am Loriel the daughter of Ameriel a cursed she elf who killed her own husband and children. She was cursed to drink blood and forever be hunted and feared. That being said I will tell you this much. No child can be responisble for the sins of their parents. I was in her womb when she was cursed. She turned others in her anger and vengeance. As soon as I was old enough I ran away and killed her much later." she swallowed back the memories.

"I spent time in Mirkwood and feed off orcs. I was in the woods one day and came face to face with Thranduil king of Mirkwood. I was nothing more.than a four year old child and received an arrow in the chest. Radaghast found me and tended to me. Depaite what you may think I have never killed an innocent or a child. Can any of you boast the same. So who his the monster me or you?"

She walked toward the door with whispers following in her wake.

" I didn't have to fight in the war either. Many of my people are dead because of it. A monster that up holds honor and loyalty. A monster that stands by her friends despite the slim odds of victory. Sound similar to any of you? Must not be so different than any of you it seems or is it? The choice is yours."

The doors closed heavily behind her as she made her way towards her rooms to pack. Tomorrow she would depart to her home. She had been gone too long as it was. She needed to get back to where she wasn't judged for every little movement.

She found herself crouched on the railing of her balcony. Black hair blowing in the wind, it still smelled of death and orc filth. She let her mind ease back toward painful memories. It was what kept her heart closed from him. It saved her from a lot more pain and heartache.

She could never let herself forget. That would be her ruin.
Authors note: I hope you like it. My first attempt at lord of the rings fanfiction. Slightly AU and post -war. Loved to see your comments and I will try to be accurate about everything as I.can. Please no flames. Read and enjoy! <3

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