Chapter 2

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Doubts you give me!

Cold blue eyes watched the abomination before him. She was outwardly one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his long years. She moved like water over river stones. Supple and ever so elegant. She reminded him of any other she elf except she was not she was simply an imbalance in nature.

When she told of him shooting the a child in the chest with an arrow she told no lie. He hadn't realized that had been her. It made him doubt his standing in banishing the creatures to the desolate places. If she had protected his son several times in the quest and she knew he had shot her it made him wonder. Why would one such as she do such a thing.

Hard green eyes meet his own and he saw within them wisdom and something else. Vulnerability perhaps?  Why would a fearsome warrior such as she show vulnerability?

She made him doubt. Something he had rarely ever done even in his youth. This made him angry and curious. Another rarity in his life.

The discussion continued after she left Gandalf soon took center focus.

" I have known the lady loriel all but the first few decades of her life. If you have ever trusted me trust me in this she is worth your allegiance. You would not find another ally as good and willing as she is." he intoned seriously.

" During the quest she and legolas had many words between them. He spent much of his time doubting her worth. And despite his anger and disregard of her she saved him many times in battle. This is not the actions of a heartless monster." Aragon mentioned as well.

" Despite that I am not convinced of her worth or what good may be in her heart. My business is done here. I will take my leave." Thranduil's voice echoed through the room.

" Perhaps if you would allow her to journey with you to Mirkwood and stay a short time then you could truly know of her worth my lord Thranduil. Or will you simply make a narrow minded decision on this matter?" Gandalf offered slyly.

That stopped him short of exiting the room. He would not lose face over his insignificant matter. He would not let it be said that he was not wise. He turned slowly and walked toward Gandalf.

"Very well. Legolas do you vouch for this unnatural thing?" he looked to his son. Legolas nodded to him.

" Then I will allow this thin to journey to my kingdom. I warn you if she threatens me or my subjects I will not hesitate to kill her for good this time. Is that understood?"

" yes of coarse." Gandalf said.

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