Chapter 12

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Authors note: Hope you all enjoyed the last chapter. ;) I really love the support and comments the votes and the reads I have gotten on this story. Thank you all soooo much. I appreciate it . it motivates me to write. Here's another chapter.

PS Loriel means "golden wood" I think. Thranduil means "Vigorous spring" He is telerin decent as is she but because of the curse her kind are slightly different than elves. ex: she has slighty more curves. (not much mind you more than the average elf) Her sister Kariel is more the body type of an elf another ex: she has Green eyes.

Various ways we hunt

She glided through the warm shafts of air. Her eyes were focused on the ground below. The black shape stumbling through mountain pass held her attention. Strange for an orc to be out in the dawn.

She stayed with the sun behind her it made sure she remained invisible to her prey. Her fangs lengthened in anticipation. Though she ignored it to loose yourself to the thirst was to become a monster. Just like her mother.

She waited until the moment was perfect and angled her flight to catch the creature from the side. She hit the orc with the force of a hurricane wind. Stunning it before her fangs ripped into its jugular. She flew it into the mountainside stunning it once more. Its struggles lessened the more rancid liquid she drank from it.

When its heartbeat died out she ripped its head from its shoulders. Throwing it from her she made her way back toward the city. She had a bath waiting for her and a pompous king begging to lose again.

'This was a very good hunt.'


Thranduil was on edge all morning. The dreams had faded but the relentless desires it evoked remained. The sensations he had felt continueously ran through his mind. By mid morning he was annoyed to the extreme.

He sought solitude in the library, he found Kariel there reading avidly. She noticed him but said nothin as he moved to the window to gaze out. He had many questions left to be answered. Not only about the species he would soon play host to but also questions about his own sanity.

The dream last night felt more like a telepathic connection than a dream. He wondered if the creatures had that ability. If so then perhaps the lady was messing with his head. He wouldn't put it past her.

'Let us see if I can't hunt for some answers'

"Kariel could I ask you a few questions?" he said without turning toward the female.

"Very we'll but I can choose if I wish to answer or not." she sighed heavily.

" Very well. Does your kind have telepathic ability?"

" Some do some don't. It is strong between mates." she answered.

"What is the issue with mates?" he asked quickly.

" We don't chose who we love. Once we find the one that's it. It was a part of our curse a way to make us more miserable simply because most of us find our mates with elves." she explained.

" Does your sister have a mate?" he turned when she hesitated.

"Yes but he is one to never accept her. She found him when she was young, for the better part of a thousand years she has pinned for him. Never has he accepted her I doubt he even knows." she gazed directly at him unfettered by his status.

"The mate bond what is that exactly? How does it work?" he moved closer to the table.

"once you see your mate its as if you have been blind your whole life and just have seen the sun for the first time the moment you meet them. Its hard to stay away from them even if you watch them from afar."  she took a moment to gather her thoughts. "The longer length of time you are close to your mate the deeper the bond. Some even share dreams and thoughts."

"what of the differences between elves and your kind?" he asked.

Kariel opened her mouth to answer but the door opened to reveal Loriel in black leggings, boots, and grey tunic. She smiled polietly when she entered nodding to him.

"My lord are you ready to be beaten again?" she asked in good spirit.

"I highly doubt that Lady Loriel."

"I am eager to see both of you put your skills to the test." Kariel added standing excitedly.

"May the best being win" she Caledonia prancing out the door ahead of the competing pair.

Thranduil found himself eager to ply his bow skills. And begrudgingly he was glad to see her happy. She seemed better suited to the garb she had on to day than what she normally wore.

"I see you arent wearing a dress today. Perhaps you can manage to avoid blood stains on it today." he managed to say disdainfully.

"Only if you can manage to lose with grace?" she replied wrily.


A large crowd of elves, men, and cursed elves gathered around. So far after forty shots they had yet to beat one another. The excitement had dulled down quite a bit. That was until lady Loriel proposed to use more than one arrow.

This went on for a time until yet again they found themselves evenly matched. Gandalf finally announced them equals in archery and the all moved toward the dining hall.

"It seems we are evenly matched in this skill" Thranduil said.

"Yes but one of the most skilled I have seen in battle is your son. I do believe he could only use a bow and dagger in a battle and come out unscathed. You taught him well."

"I am proud of my son. He has excelled in archery." Thranduil agreed.

"I will stop by your rooms after dinner my lord. I must ready my people to depart tonight. I will want to discuss when you plan to leave." she said.

"Very well until then."

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