chapter 3

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Whisper to me your hatred

"when first I saw you

I saw beauty

so I blinded my eyes

for fear that I would weep" her voice floated over the still night to the gardens below.

"When first I heard you

I heard sweetness

so I turned away

for fear of my weakness"  loneliness and vulnerability filled her tone. Her voice could almost bring tears to the eyes.

"I blinded my eyes

my face I turned away

I hardened my heart

for fear of my ruin"

The beautiful voice faded away as softly as snowflakes fell. The silent group that sat smoking in the garden looked in askance toward Gandalf.

" I never knew she sang so lovely. She has much sorrow inside her heart." Legolas broke the silence.

"She has good reason to sing so sadly. Her chosen mate is not an elf to be trifled with. He is not one to ever accept her. Very tragic." he drew a breath of smoke in and let it out slowly.

"Truly that is sad, I know few other women who are more worthy of love than she" Aragon said holding his pipe to his lips thoughtfully.

"The lass needs to put the man out of her mind. And find a real man to treasure her." Gimli said.

"For her kind master dwarf it is no choice. She explained it to me as if she was blind her whole life and when she saw him it was as if she saw the sun for the first time." that ended what little conversation was going on.

Another silent figure was privvy to the sad ballad of tragic love. Thranduil stood contemplating the beauty of the creatures voice. Even he had to admit that she was beautiful ,even if it was hollow, her voice was just as beautiful.

He had noted the soft conversation below. Intriguing that she hadn't even a choice in who she loved. That was indeed surprising. He found his gaze going toward the balcony at his right. He had noted her there since he had returned to his quarters after dinner.

She had crouched there with no movement. She could have been made of stone. Her head was now upturned toward the sky. The stars were in her gaze. When she stood and wings sprouted from her back Thranduil felt his eyes widen in wonder.

She leaped from the balcony and wings outstretched and caught drifts of air seconds before she would have hit the stone court yard. she glided over the city and toward the plains of pelennore.

He let his eyes follow her flight before he turned his gaze toward his room. He had a letter to write and deliver to the she creature.

She would prove him wrong. He had no doubt about that. He picked up the quill and dipped it in ink. He placed the tip to parchment and started his letter.

She landed lightly on the balcony her mind finally settled for sleep. She entered her room leaving the balcony doors open as she moved to put on her night gown.

Her head rose when a familiar scent reached her nostrils. Her knife was pressed on the throat of her trespassors neck not a second later.

"What a strange idea of Hospitality you have?" that cool voice says quitely.

"Strangers that are unannounced are to me extremely rude and potentially dangerous. I'd be careful elf next time you may not be so lucky." she moved away to stand facing the imperious elf king.

"Before I give you this proposition I must say something. I hate you and your kind. You are an abomination of nature. Though I will give you a chance to redeem your self. This is my proposition read and think carefully before accepting and before declining. There is no other oppurtunities that will be given besides this" with that he left as quitely as he came.

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