Chapter 29

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Author note: Thanks for the support guys you are awesome! Here is another chapter. We will see Eowyn and faramire marry. The crew is all heading home afterwards. Then we see a surprise on the way back home.

Let's not do that again

Days later. . .

She stared at the wedding mixed with traditions of Rohan and Gondor. She couldn't wait to see the Rohhirim style feast afterwards. Eomer had returned though she would never have guessed it she thought he made an excellent king.

Thranduil held out his arm when everyone moved toward the feasting hall. There fine Mead was offered to guests. She took her a mug loving the taste of it more than even wine.

'wine was making me sick the past few days. I have drunk it enough to become sick of it.'

Her own people made whiskey and brandy. Mead was almost as good. Though she would love to try Thranduil's wine it was said to be without equal.

She was motioned over to eowyn's side and so she went. The human suddenly grabbed her and piled her to a secluded place.

"I need your help. Faramire's cousins have taken on telling me certain things about later tonight and its not easing my mind." she said hurriedly. "I need you to speak plainly with me about what goes on between men and women." she said.

"Its not so bad. Here to explain." she said


Thranduil looked to the human king. Then to his son and finally to the dwarf who had challenged him.

"Its a drinking game?" he asked slowly.

"No spills and no pauses." Eomer said

"Ah and no regergitation" Gimli said

'why am I getting into this' he wondered

So the game began. . .


An hour or so later Eowyn moved back to her husband and Loriel made her way to the king pulling him aside from his wife.

"Does faramire understand how to well get his mate going? Or is he going to be all posh and proper?" she asked bluntly.

"Most gondarians do not have a very excitable view on sex and marriage. Any woman will never admit to enjoying it and a man will never let it slip his wife enjoys it either but I am positive faramire and Eowyn will be happy with each other." he smiled amiably.

"Oh good I don't see as I have to have a very embarrassing conversation with a man." she smiled widley in relief.

"Though talk to Eomer he is reluctant to spend time with his betrothed. Lothloriel. perhaps you can find a way to get them talking." Aragon winked slightly.

"Ah I like that thought."


"yes I know they have said no horse or rider from Gondor will be able to best the king of the mark. I hardley believed he would say such a thing." Loriel said

"He did did he?" Lothloriel behind her tight exterior was in fact a lady who had fire in her viens.

"Perhaps I will set up a race for tomorrow. I have clothes that will fit you. And you can pretend to be a man."

"What if I am discovered?" she said her blue grey eyes wide.

"Oh don't worry about that."

'exactly what I was planning on.'


"I think this is affecting me?!" Thranduil said looking worriedly toward Legolas.

"What did I say he can't hold his liquor! " then the dwarf was on the floor.

Eomer laughed joyfully. As to Thranduil's surprise Loriel whispered in his ear.

"Oh a race has been set up. Well I would be honoured to be apart of it. Thank you lady Loriel."

"My lady" he walked up to her and offered his arm.

As they walked toward the Dias where the king sat he leaned to her ear.

"What are you planing." he asked softly

"Something to get love brewing between an arranged marriage."

"Aragon a race has been set up between the king of Rohan and lan anonymous Challenger." she said winking.

"Ah that will be a sight to see. Tomorrow after breakfast."

"Yes it will."

As the two walked away Thranduil looked to his mate.

"Remind me to never anger you little one. You are most vicious when you try."


The day rose early and lothloriel was in line dressed and vieled. Eomer thought it hilarious that he was challenged by an anonymous boy. He took to the race in good spirits though.

When the boy crossed the finish line a nose ahead. Eomer was out of the saddle and pestering to find out who it was. Loriel had told the girl that though it was improper in Gondarian society to do such a think the men of Rohan respected this.

"Who is the great winner?" Eomer asked

"Your soon to be wife." lothloriel answered sassily.

She pulled down her girl and Eomer was speechless. Eowyn laughed and walked with the girl towards the stables with a perplexed and intrigued horselord in her wake.

"Excellently played my love" Thranduil said kissing her hand.


A week and Three days. ...

She flew back toward the convoy as was her routine. Everything in an instant changed when she saw black figures attacking them. A black arrow flew through the air and hit her in the shoulder.

Her growl was inhuman as she piled the arrow out and flew down into the battle. Her bow out and shooting as she flew down. All her arrows hit home.

She unsheathed her sword and then hacked her way through the black enemies. She would pass through and hack away then fly high and back down shooting arrows.

She noted the battle was almost done when she saw an orc come up behind Thranduil. She landed and engaged said orc. Killing it easily before letting her dagger fly to land in the forehead of an orc sneaking up behind Legolas.

When the battle was over Loriel noted a few scratches and cuts but the elves fairer well enough. She looked to Thranduil checking him over.

"Don't ever do that again" she said vehemently. Worry staining her voice.

"If you are ever in trouble mind link with me. We will fight as a team. They were aiming for you and your son. They didn't double team anyone else "

With that she grasped a still alive orc and went off toward the brush.

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