Chapter 8

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Authors note: I am loving the comments thanks. This story will definitely continue to be updated regularly or as soon as it comes to me. My inspiration is like that. When school starts again it may be harder for me to update rapidly. I am glad you all are enjoying it and want me to.continue. <3

Little talks

"So she stood honourably beside the rest of you during the quest."he said as dryly as he could manage.

They sat upon a shaded bench in one of the many gardens. Nature was blooming now after the long dark days were passed. His fingers absently stroked his cheek in thought.

"Yes and I was wrong to doubt her honor and the goodness she has within her." His sons words broke him from his thoughts. His gaze narrowed sharply at the obvious lack of his sons support of his judgment.

"I believe father that perhaps you should try to garner more knowledge of her true charecter in ernest. She has surprised me and I will wager that she will surprise you." his son continued on heedless of the tempest of emotion his words evoked within him.

Thranduil sighed heavily letting it all go: anger, frustration, and denial. He would not risk arguing with his son again. It had drove him far from Mirkwood and the wounds each had caused as a result of careless words had just begun to heal.

"Truly you feel this to be the right thing to do? You will stand and vouch for this creature?" he asked softly.

"Yes I will even if it cost me my throne, my life, and my own bansihment from my own people." the words were set in stone. Strong and sure his son remained in his view of this matter.

"Very well it has garnered my respect as a warrior and as a diplomat. Now let us see if it can prove itself as worthy of my respect to see it as a natural thing." he begrudgingly said.

His sons smile made his burdened heart lighter. Though he still didn't believe the thing would prove itself. They stood and continued on in silence. No more words were needed to be said.

Legolas had told him many things about the lady. Her bravery and selflessness. The manner she treated animosity and injustice towards herself He even told her vulnerabilities as well.

She seemed much like any other queen. Like any other ordinary woman thrust into extraordinary circumstances and situations. This made him feel something he hadn't felt in a very very long time. Fear. He felt the ticklish sensation that he feared he may be wrong.

'fear doubt curiosity! what else can she find to evoke in me! blasted she creature!'

This was going to be a long year a head of him he realized. Perhaps though he could rebuild his once waning relationship with his son. That would be the only good to come of it. They had already talked more than they had in a whole month  before Legolas had left his kingdom.


Kariel flitted around the library glad to have gotten King Elessar's  permission to take what she liked. She found it odd her sister only ever called him Aragon. Loriel was not one to be rude.

'Then again the man was seemingly a simple ranger the entirety of the quest.'

Kariel lost herself within the selection of her books. She was not so lost that she didn't notice the arrival of a certain Elven king. She didn't know much about what troubles lay between her sister and the elf. Only that they were soul deep troubles that seemed unending.

"I didn't think kings spent much time reading? Well besides reports." she noticed his relaxed posture immediately stiffen into the pose of absolute ridged regality.

"It is always good to browse a library when one can. The last time I was here it was during the first war of the ring." His voice like always was cool and strangely resonating.

"Yes I feel the same. My sister and you seem to have quite the um disagreement." she didn't let her eyes stray to him. She kept her eyes firmly on the task at hand.

"Yes it would seem like that. Though you must understand your mother was an abomination whose acts made her a monster and so she was cursed for it. Tell me girl why should I believe different of her offspring? " his logic was nicely thought out Kariel noted absently.

" That is a well made point Elf" she turned and gathered the five books she had selected in her arms. " I will tell you one thing though before I leave you to your solitude elf king" she moved closer to him as he stood facing her.

'he not only talks like a king he looks it and acts it perfectly loriel does the same thing. must be a monarch thing.' she thought.

"What would that be?" his eyebrow rose imperiously his eyes were lowered. It seemed it was a unique way of looking down on people. Simply because it gave them the impression he was bored with the entire thing.

"My sister has suffered many burdens in her life. If you hurt her in anyway I will personally come find you and rip your esophagus out. I'll even let you watch as I lick my hands clean of blood as you die. " her voice grew more sickeningly more sweet as her words progressed.

He gave an imperious nod of his head and she exited the room. She left him to his thoughts. She had a journey to plan for.

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