Chapter 24

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Authors note: So they are on good terms. And now for the part you have all been waiting for. Thanks for the support. Enjoy.<3


Kiss me in the night; love me for but a moment and never part from me.

He stared into lively green eyes. He had completely belittled himself and he was better for it. She pulled him to his feet once her wits were about her once more. She was perfection and life itself.

Her feeding from him had been one of the most erotic thing he had ever experienced. The pleasure he had felt from it was soul deep.

"Are you alright. Not light headed or dizzy?" she asked

"Loriel I am fine. My eyes are open for the first time in my life. I have so much to make up for so many things to ask forgiveness for and I could not do this within a million more life times." he cupped her face. " The pain I have caused you for so long is so deep and so great that it can never be made up for. I can however stop hurting you."

"Would you spend the night with me? Would you be mine? Would you let me be yours?" the vulnerability swept back into her eyes. She was once more baring her soul to him as she had that night.

"Yes I will be yours and you will be mine. Tonight and as long as you will have me." he said and in a graceful move swept her bridal style into his arms.

He carried her to the bed and lay her down settling beside her. He leaned over and took her lips in. gentle kiss. A kiss seeking to connect. A kiss meant to bond.

He touched her cheek as her arms embraced him. The passion and feeling from the bite hadn't dissipated it had simply became something different something deeper.

He was surprised when her tongue swept along his lips. She was taking initiative and he found himself delighted. He opened his mouth taking her tongue inside and running his own along it.

Deepening the kiss and her sighs of delight made the glowing embers blaze. His hand moved to cup her breast. Kneading it gently caressing the hardened tip. She moaned into his mouth. His groin pulsed as he grew harder at hearing her pleasure and anticipating what was to become.

His hand snakes down her stomach and her hips to gather up her nightgown. He caressed the skin he revealed little by little until she allowed him to remove it.

He loved the way she was so comfortable with her own skin. She didn't hide from him. His mouth descended onto her breast laving and suckling her. Her hands grasped his hair holding him to her.

Her moans increased in volume and her back arched gracefully. Welcoming him to her body. This was a sight he had long wished to see.


His mouth moved downward to the juncture of her thighs. Kissing and suckling a trail over her skin. She was startled when he bent his head toward the apex of her thighs. she gently pulled at his hair. All movement ceased he was as still as stone waiting for her to voice her concern. Those blue eyes captured hers. The intensity of his passion and was it care for her caused her to shiver with dreaded excitement.

"Um what exactly are you doing?" her voice was breathless and high pitched with anxiety.

"I'm going to taste you little one." his voice was deep and dangerous bit in the best of ways.

"Is that normal for this—" she broke off.

"Yes but you have to trust me." he said his hands splaying her legs wider apart draping them over his shoulders to rest on his back.

" I will go slowly I promise. There will be no pain only pleasure." she nodded and his finger touched her bud and she moaned in surprise and pleasure. her doubts banished from her mind.

His thumb strummed her bud making more moisture pool betwixt her secret folds. He pushed a finger inside her and she arched her hips toward him. Then another was soon to follow.

He moved his fingers delightfully inside her setting a pace that had her eyes rolling. His thumb kept at her bud. Moisture pooled heavily from his efforts.

Her pleasure rose and rose until her hands grasped his hair tightly and her hips locked. She plummeted and rose high all at the same time as she reached her peak.

"Thranduil!" she cried shuddering in her release.

His pace slowed as she fell back to earth. He removed his hands and his mouth descended. He suckled her pearl and licked her folds slowly. Gaining speed seeming to enjoy pushing her toward release. He continued this until she was exhausted from all her climaxes.

While she regained her breath he removed his pants hastily. Crawling up her body settling between her thighs. His hardness at her entrance he rested his weight upon his elbows and leaned down kissing her lips languidly.

'this may hurt slightly. It can not be avoided. Trust me little one?' his voice rang inside her mind as their tongues danced in tandem.

'I trust you'

With that he pushed inside of her in one mighty push. Breaking through her maiden head and drawing a muffled pained cry from their joined lips. She broke the kiss staring at where they were joined.

He was long and hard inside her. This alien feeling of being full and stretched, the pleasure pain, was alien to her. He seemed almost pained and yet she felt that wasn't the correct answer to whatvhe felt.

Her eyes sought out answers that she did not know. "It is done that was the worst of it little one" he kissed her forehead gently.

"Are you alright you seem pained. Does it hurt you as well?" she asked quizzicaly.

"No it is simply hard to stay still and give you time to um. . . accommodate me when everything within me bids me to move inside you." he answered honestly.

She grasped his hand and pulled it to her lips kissing his palm and fingers. "Then move, it no longer hurts, let us get on to the part where it no longer hurts master elf."

With that he moved hips hips slowly at first allowing her time to adjust to his movements. When she arched her back and moved her hips along with his he got the message to move faster.

The pace he set was breathtaking. He took them both higher toward a final end that was inevitable. She moaned and sighed his name. Her breath catching in her throat before she cried outbonce more in climax.

She keenly felt her walls clench around him and relax before he too meet his end. He thrust himself deeply and groaned as his body went ridgid releasing himself inside her.

His body went limp as he rested his forehead against hers. Their breath mingled in ragged gasps. Their hot sweat slick bodies began to cool as their breaths came in easier.

A feeling of sated sleepiness fell over her and Thranduil as well it seemed. He moved his weight off her and laid upon his side and pulled her back against his chest.

'you have kissed me in the night and loved me for a moment but how will it be when dawns light shines upon us? will you feel the same my Elven king?' she thought drowsily as she fell toward sleep.

Just before she succumbed to sleep she heard his gentle words 'I will kiss you by the light of the sun or the moon and I will love you for a thousand more moments and never tire of you little one'

She smiled for the first time in a long time it seemed. An eternity perhaps.

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