Chapter 28

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Author note: Here's a little look see to my inspiration. Its normally amazing charecters like Thranduil haha that spark my inspiration. Then I think h'm lets see why he is like that and lets help him be better. or see how he is in love. No less bad ass but better than he was or happier. the best way to make ppl better is let them fall in love. So its like while I'm writing I see where the character is and where I want them to end up and its like they are in my imagination center of my brain saying " oh yep that's how I would react. Or no that's not me." they help guide me in telling of their story. Which is why when I wrote of the seperation in this story. I was like come on this is heartbreaking (I love this story and am into it as much as you guys ;) ) and well Thranduil was like " uh uh I will not take such a break in my control gently" .


Blind me and I will tell all the ways I love you.

Loriel's hands roved over her mates back coming all the places full of tension and easing them. Thranduil was at times high strung. So she was taking away his absolute confidence by putting him in a new situation. Blindfolding him was not only good for his attitude it was hilarious for her.

He sat quitly as she massaged his back and arms. when she straddled him his smile widened and she decided to drag it our more by massaging his chest feet and legs.

She noted his rising desire and held back the giggle she felt rising. She loved teasing him it was amazing to her to be able to be in good humor with him. She was for the first time in a thousand years sure of where she stood with him. At his side naturally. As his other half.

She took a peach half in her hand and ran it across his lips. His tongue swiped at the juice and he hummed in delight. She trailed it down his neck and over his chest. Before squeezing the juices into her wine cup.

She sat that aside and kissed his lips slowly. Enjoying the taste of the peach on this succulent lips. Their tongues languidly frolicked together. This was not a fast and fiery night of passion. This was a night of seduction.

She pulled from his lips and kissed his covered eyes. She placed a kiss on his nose and his cheek. Then finally his chin. She lifted his head back and lightly licked her way down his throat to the bottom.

It was there she found a treasure Trove of juice. She suckled the hollow of his throat. Being sure to get everylast drop of nectar. She kissed her way up his neck to where his pulse pounded and nibbled there. She kissed on up to his ear where he gave a breathy moan when she suckled his ears tampered tip.

"You will be the death of me"

"An orgasm has been described as a little death my dearest mate." she chimed in matter of factualy as she paid attention to the other ear. She smiled against his skin when a husky growl came.

She grazed her lips and tongue over his chest pushing him back on the velvet cover marble. She licked and suckled greedily the depression between his pectoral muscles. The she laved attention on his nipples.

His breath was so rapid and shallow that it was almost a wheeze. She found herself more treasure troves of delightful nectar on his defined abs. By the time she was done he was shivering from desire? cold?

To be certain she stood and pulled off her silvery gown. Then allowed her wings to unsheathed and she straddled him wrapping he rlegs around his back as she wrapped her wings around him.

"Loriel are these your wings?" he asked

"Yes I thought you would be cold I know it doesn't effect elves but its not comfortable." she answered picking up the peach juice.

She held it within her mouth and bent to his lips. She let tenderails of liquid pass from her lips into his mouth. He groaned deeply and once her mouth was clear of the juice his tongue develed deeply for any trace of the liquid. Her own massaged his as it quested for more nectar.

"You have blinded me my lady. Take me in all the ways you wish. All I ask is that you do not leave me unsaited any longer."

She removed the blindfold and stared into those blue depths. Like clear frozen pools of water. Darkened with the intense  dark tides of desire.

He helped lift her as he slipped from his leggings. He was deep inside her in a brutal thrust. His hand at the nape of her neck supporting here neck as he laved its lenght with his attention. His other hand cupped her breast needfully.

She cried out at the depth of his thrust. Surely he was at the gateway of her womb. His speed was not slow nor fast. His thrusts were not hard or soft. It was a mercurial moment of mediums.

His mouth descended to her breasts lickig and suckling them. She grasped his hair tightly as she held him to her chest. her muscles all at once seemed to siezed up. Then she was falling down deep into an inferno of pleasure.

"I love you Loriel. In everyway I Love you." (Elvish) He groaned against the skin of her neck.

He moaned as her inner walls caressed his member tightly. Then he groaned loudly as he gave a final thrust and held himself there as his seed spilled inside her.

They managed to get their clothes on in a qusi descent shape. And they fell asleep there under the stars.

'I love you as well my king I always have' Thranduil heard quitly as he fell into sleep.

It was a mating of creation. A mating of ultimate love. A mating that bound souls together. It was life and death. Darkness and light. It was the ultimate baring of souls to one another.

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