Chapter 13

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Authors note: hope everything is flowing nicely and everyone is enjoying the story. Thanks for comments I enjoy them all. <3

Sketches, humorous tales of competition, and ways of traveling.

Most of the afternoon passed with her making sure her people were prepared for the journey. She saw them off as they flew toward home as night fell. She was sad to see them go. She felt.the loneliness al the more sharply when she was away from her own kind.

After her people left she didn't feel up to going through the woes of dinner. She already had a big enough discussion a head of her where Thranduil was concerned. She didn't need any extra woes tonight.

She settled out on her balcony with her charcoal and parchment and started to draw Thranduil. His various poses while shooting his bow. The times he seemed so regal and others when he seemed overburdened.

After so long of just doing the simple quick sketches she decided to sketch how he looked in her dream. Those azure eyes darkened slightly as his passions rose.

This took her ages it seemed to do. She drew him as if from a side view laying on his back. She remembered a snipit of dream and added a dark female head at the curve of his neck.

Shading and toning are what made a sketch truly beautiful and they were the most time consuming. She didn't look up and her focus was completely consumed on the task at hand.

She didn't notice Thranduil staring at her from his own balcony. He wondered how her concentration could be so.  . . well focused? She seemed totally consumed by the portrait she did.

"Father I –" Legolas broke off when he held up a hand and moved toward the interior of hos room.

"What is it my son" he asked pouring them a glass of his finest wine.

"I was just wondering if Lady Loriel has come to talk to you. Though if my ears tell me right she has been sketching for a while now."

"You are correct and she is in fact on her balcony doing exactly that "

"I wad going to see when we were leaving tomorrow as well."

"We will leave early tomorrow. How will the lady be traveling?" Thranduil wondered aloud almost to himself.

"She will run or perhaps fly ahead at times. She could give us valuable information about troubles that lay before us." He answered slowly.

"That is indeed good. The lady complimented you on your skills with a bow. She is distant from all of you except Gandalf but still fond of you all." He commented.

"She would never say so to anyone's face but she admires us. Aragons ability to get along with all races. Gandalf's wisedom and manipulations. The hobbits ability to eat and think the best of everyone. Dwarves inane stubbornness. Elves I believe she admires our ability to be happy." He smiled as if in rememberance of a funny tale.

"What is on your mind? Tell me some of your stories of battle while we wait for Lady Loriel." he was glad to see his son so content in his prescence.

"Once Gimli and I had a bet going that we would kill the most uruks at helms deep. She was sitting on the steps as we discussed it. Seemingly uninterested in the whole conversation. By battles end I had killed 42 and Gimli 43. She walks by and says as if it is nothing major that she has killed 111." Legolas found himself chuckling at remembering Gimli's face. " Aragon learns of this and jokes us endlessly about being beaten by a mere lady."

"Ah that sounds like the lady I know. Never truly arrogant just—"

"Confident my lord I am confident" She called from the balcony. She leaned against the door.

"It is good to see you out of your drawings finally Loriel." Legolas said rising as his father motioned her in.

"Yes it is. I uh felt my ears burning and thought I'd better go see who would be talking about me so horridly. Me arrogant never" she admonished playfully.

"You had buisness to discuss lady Loriel?" Thranduil held out a goblet of wine.

"What time would we be leaving?" she asked sipping at the strong liquid.

"Early tomorrow so that we may travel a fair distance before we must make camp." he said into his cup.

" I will be flying ahead or running alongside. I only have a few tunics and leggings in Mirkwood could I procure more clothing?" she wondered

"Yes you can. I understand you will need to go on regular hunting trips to find orcs and go visit your people. That is perfectly fine with me."

"Good so everything is settled then?" she asked

"Yes it is hopefully we will be home in a fortnight." Thranduil almost smiled at the thought.

"You truly love the Greenwood?" she slasked softly almost afraid of rebuff.

"Yes I do. It is something I find hard to explain. Do you love your home?" He asked

"I have no home. What one I do have isn't of much worth to anyone else." her eyes saddened at this and she quickly finished her wine and bid them goodnight.

"I hope I didn't insult her that was not my intent." he looked to his son.

"She takes her meloncholy moods. She has many burdens and sorrows that she never shares with anyone. Your words simply illicited a memory. A bad one from the looks of it."

Thranduil gave no reply only nodded his head somberly. The day had been strange to say the least. Perhaps tomorrow would be better.

'please by all the valor do not let me have another dream such as the one I had last night. It doesn't bode well to my over all sanity '

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