Chapter 15

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Authors note: The dream was a little confusing. Thranduil doesn't know this and it may be kind of vague but these two are mates (think of it like soul mates or twin flames). Her kind are cursed and in a way blessed. depending on if their mate accepts them. Loriel is dreaming memories she has had. Thranduil is sharing dreams with her. Its as if he is a silent observer inside her body and is experienceing all the pain she has felt at his expense this is imperitive to him understanding her. He needs more empathy were she is concerned and this is a way for him to gain it. haha. sorry about the confusion. Here's the actual journey. enjoy! thanks for reading.

Journey pt 1

She flew ahead of the elves noting where they would make camp and take a break. Her eyes ever searching for the threats that existed. She couldn't allow any of them to be harmed.

She made a few trips back and forth reporting any changes. When they finally were within half a mile from the break point she landed and started running. Few words had been exchanged since they set out four days ago.

A routine had started to develop after the first day. She did find she was sad to leave the white city. Aragon had sent her off with promises of giving her parting words to Gimli and her friends in Rohan.

She had been Gandalf's friend longer than any other. There was no words needed. He understood her better than any other. He had been standing on the battlements and simply lifted his hand in farewell.

She wasn't involved in much of the conversation that existed. She found that she was missing actually having a conversation. It was different out here, she was unsure if her and Thranduil's small steps towards amiable relationswas still being upkept.

He had been distant since the morning of their departure. She felt it wasn't so much the journey but something deeper. He had awoken several times far earlier than he normally did during the trip.

She had realized it was the fact they were sharing dreams. So she had forsaken sleep to ease his mind. He had seemed in better spirits since then. It was no big thing to allow him his rest. She didn't need sleep as much as other races.

Though she would need to feed if this pace and her sleeplessness continued. Soon they would be near enough to mountain passes were orcs normally passed through.

Tomorrow she would hunt. Now she would take her rest for a moment at least. Activity bustled around her as she sat on her boulder.

"How are you fairing?" Legolas's soft inquiry brought her out of her thoughts.

"Well enough master elf. How are you fairing?" She returned as he crouched near her.

"I am well. It seems to me as if you seem to lack your usual vitality. Is something wrong to cause this? You have never taken ill to my knowledge." it seemed he was adamant in his worries.

"Yes I would rather not talk of it but I must feed soon. I am wasting a lot of energy. I will feed tomorrow but I promise you I am fine other than that."

The night passed much like all the others did. she settled into faking her slumber as to not araise any alarm from the elves. This would be a long week to come.


Thranduil was happy at the distance they had covered so far. His sleep was no longer plagued with dreams. His mind was far from unworried. Legolas had mentioned in passing their guest lackluster.

He had studied her all day. Her movement was still flawlessly graceful and supple. It was the tiredness he found in her eyes. Normally they were flashing, now they were dull and restless.

Legolas had told him of her need to hunt on the morrow. He was hopeful she would be in better spirits soon.

The next day it was obvious she had feed. She looked much better when she flew back to make sure they were alright. She disappeared for a few hours which was odd.

When they reached the break point she had yet to reappear. He started to worry until the camp quited and he heard soft feminine snoring. He looked up to see her asleep peacefully in a tree above their heads.

When they broke to go on he bid one of his men to wake her but she didn't stir. He sighed heavily in consternation. An idea struck him and he had his men make a slanted wooden structure to be hitched to his horse.

He placed her upon in making sure she stayed as they set out. As they neared the final  campsite for the night she sat up and stretched languidly.

"It is good to know you are awake at last. I apologize if we have bored you my lady." he chuckled.

"No I just haven't rested well." she mused wryly smiling.

"Would you feel up to taking a look around?" one of the warriors asked.

"Yes I feel much better."

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