Chapter 7

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He noted the blood on the blade of his sword, his finger touched it and found nothing strange about it. He was shocked and if it hadn't been for the creatures parting words he would have felt like the fool.

She used her words as easily as she did her sword. She left nothing to be desired when it came to sword play or wit. She had managed to manipulate him into her game. She had ultimately won that game.

'almost insulting' he groused mentally.

She was completely enigmatic to him. She wasn't even arrogant or a braggart. She was well mannered, well spoken, and diplomatic. She hid her inner darkness well.

He wondered if she would agree to his proposal. As of yet it had been unanswered. He was more curious by the second about this intriguing beast.

She didn't bore him at least. That was something to be studied for at his age not much surprised him. Not many things did he find himself doubting. Nothing intrigued him.

She did all three to the most extreme. He had yet to decide if that was good or bad. He didn't like it none despite it all. She was a thing that should never have existed to begin with.

He moved toward his son who stood with the other members of the fellowship. He was glad to see his son in good health after such a harrowing journey. Twice the creature had saved his son. He was grateful for that and that was all he would ever give her.

"Ah Thranduil a very good spar. I wasn't sure who would win" Gandalf commended.

"She does very well with the sword. Though I must say she could work on a few things" he stated cooly.

"She has few to equal her in sword play. Once legolas fell into the same trap I think you did. He lost hands down." Gandalf looked to his son and smiled amiably "Though with this match I believe she has meet her equal."

"Perhaps." he mused. " Would you care to join your father in a walk through the gardens?" he directed towards his son.

His son bowed to his companions and followed him toward the lower tiers of the city. Once they were out of ear shot he turned to his son.

"Tell me about this Loriel daughter of Ameriel."


She sat reviewing all issues that may come up within her absence. Though she hated the menial work she was happy to have the solitude. Kariel was off to the library after their meeting. She had been more than willing to see to the clan until her business in Mirkwood had ended.

Her younger sister was a healer at heart. Kariel was very good at organizing efforts and supplies. She hated leading but she could see to her people until her return. Her people could accept this and would understand the need for it.

As the readings got more boring she found most of her mind on a certain elf king. The long blond hair, cold eyes, and perfect masculine beauty taunted her. Made her want things that could never be.

'Its nothing that you haven't felt before.'

She had meet him when she was 4 he had haunted her since. Like a vengeful ghost that could never be put to rest. Memory to her was a double edged blade.

'Always cuts both ways'

She laid the quill down and ordered the reports and statements, rubbing her temples as she stood. She found herself once more gazing at pelennore fields. The scars in the earth fascinated her.

'Reminds me of my own soul'

She found that her thoughts hadn't strayed far from him. Never did it seemed. She simply wished she could for just one moment let him experience what pain and loneliness she felt because of him. She smiled to herself when she realized she also wished to touch the beautiful skin and kiss those lips. Just a single moment she wished she could allow herself to do this.

'If he would allow it. . .'

No that was never to be. She would not allow her hopes to raise to the sky. She wouldn't let her mind fantasize about impossibilities. She would not let down the walls around her heart. She would die from the pain of his rejection.

'I'm dying anyway from this pitiless isolation and unrequited feelings. Everyday little by little I die more. When does this end?'


Gandalf sat at the chess board across from Aragon. He had been fishing for answers all morning for his plans. It was no matter. His plan was in motion and hopefully would bloom to fruition with time.

If he was going to get any of his plans then he would have to try harder than that.

"Gandalf since you wont rise to my questions I will be blunt" Aragon said straightening from his bent posture.

"Always a good tactic risky,but, good." he commented absently.

"Why have you chosen to throw Loriel and Thranduil together both will be miserable because of it." he said at last.

"Long ago Galadrial spoke of a prophecy. After Ameriel was cursed. To everything there must be a balance. There was a supposed way to break the curse." he looked to his friend in all seriousness now.

"What prophecy do you speak of?"

" A cold heartless desolate king

In his heart a flame can be stoked

After the bitter war of the ring

The curse just may be broke

A child that is blameless

a mothers horrid deed

this injustice shameless

and blood tears she bleeds

If love in broken hearts can bloom

And all can be forgiven their sin

A child can grow in the womb

And two different kinds can be as kin

The curse may be broken

If love can bloom in full

If love is given as a token

Wise may be the fool"

The silence following was loud to.them both. Aragon found himself with little else to respond with beside to nod his head thoughtfully. Gandalf resumed his game with the ranger in ernest now.

'Now if only they will both go along with it.'

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