Chaoter 21

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Authors note: How was it? confusing hopefully not. I will explain if you want just ask. Here's the next chapter. Read and enjoy. <3

Going on despite what's been lost

No questions were asked when she took her duties on once more. Her people only knew she never smiled she rarely feed. there was no more joy for the queen. Only somber brooding.

When not dealing with queenly duties she was working on sketches of her quest or of her people. She also worked on swords and other various works of metal.

The nights were the worst. Her haunting voice filled the stillness. Ever singing her lonesome ballad. "The wishing well". She never sung anything happy. Only those lonesome haunting melodies.

She was like a half dead thing. a ghost haunting the halls of her keep. Only half alive. They felt her sorrow when she was near. No one ever asked and she never said.

Weeks and months passed and still she sorrowed. Hate filled her people's hearts for Thranduil. They all knew he was the cause of it. He had ever been the cause.

'Perhaps I can die of grief as elves do. If only I was that lucky.'


Thranduil the past months had been in a foul mood. No merry making or feasts were held. His brooding and temper had become legendary. They whispered it as because of his guests rude leaving.

He knew the truth. He hated himself for what he had done. He was bitter at the whole world. His heart was in such agony. his mind never ceased to remember what he had done. What he had caused.

He was the only true monster. She had ever been the better being. All her words rang true to him now more than ever. By all rights she should have killed him long ago. He would not blame her if she did. She would not though. She was too good for such a thing.

she had brought back his son from a perilous quest. She had given him a chance at life. He was the monster here. He always had been and had the arrogance to call her a monster. He was the worst of kinds.

When a letter came from Gondor bidding him to attend Aragon and Arwen's wedding. He was persuaded by his son. Who seemed to be the only one able to persuade him. He went back to the white city. Where his greatest folly had begun. The begining of his ruin had begun.


two weeks later.  . .

She stared at Gandalf from her throne. He sat upon a chair provided for him. He sat smoking as perusual and she offered no conversation. Or well wishes.

"My friend I have come to tell you of an invitation to attend Aragon and Arwen's wedding. Will you cast away your friend or will you go to see him happy?"  always his words moved her to actions and she smiled wryly to herself. Not a true smile mind you a meer impression of one.

"I think I will I owe him that much at least." she answered.

"All your people are invited and papers are fready ffrom Rohan and Gondor to be signed."

"Ah fools can become wise." she said

"Yes if they can come to see reason. Strange I thought you would still be in Mirkwood." she rose to go ready her and the few that would accompany her.

"The issue has been resolved the fool has had his eyes opened. A treaty exists between us and them. Everything is in order."

Before him was not the girl he had known but a few months ago. This was a bitter hopeless shell. Things had ended badly between the pair. He felt this intimatly.

How sad to see how changed and truly bitter she had become. To see such a hopeful bright light turn dark.

"There is always hope Loriel." he said as she neared the door.

"Not for me. Not anymore." she answered bitterly.

'perhaps another little push is all that is needed. his eyes are open now all that needs to be done is to heal her broken heart. Only he can do this.'

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