Chapter 4

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Haunting dreams

He closed his eyes in drowsiness, dreams of memories came to him. The thing about living so long is the curse and blessing of memory.

He was walking through his forest as always. As he walked this time the trees whispered of something new here. Something beautiful and pristine; full of laughter and song. He took the impression as a lost elf child. When he came toward the meadow he normally sat in a few moments before returning to his palace.

That is where he heard the beautiful song being sung. Childish giggles filled the open air. If he entered he knew the child would disappear as always. Sometimes he thought the little girl was nothing but a ghost.

Crouching down he peered through the branches of the bush before him. His eyebrows rose in surprise at the state he found the child in. A ragged dress faded to brown and grey. The skirt was filled with holes and tears half way up her legs. The sleeves were in the same condition.

Her pale cream skin was flawless and without a mark. Her long silvery white hair fell beautifully in perfect ringlets to her small hips. tampered ears poked from between her locks. no shoes covered her delicate feet.

She was more like a forest spirit, but, he realized the child must be lost or abandoned. What elf would abandon their child. It was unheard of to his people. Children were rare to them and very precious.

"Tell me little one will you sing for me the same as you do the forest?" he called hoping she would not flee.

She stood as still as a stone eyes wide and fearful. Her gaze jumped around trying to locate him.

"Do not fear me child ask your tree friends if they think you should flee."  she closed her eyes for a moment and he stepped out moving within ten feet of her.

She released a soft giggle and those green eyes opened wide when she saw him. A strange look passed over her face. As if she had never seen another elf before.

"They say you are a powerful elf lord. The lord over the forest and animals here." Her soft tinkling voice filled the space.

"Yes I am. Where are your parents little one?"He crouched down to gaze face to face with her.

"My mother is far from her she is a very bad person. I stay with radaghast the brown mostly. He isn't home right now he had business in the forest."

"Well then may I sit with you for a while?" he asked mentally reminding himself to send some dresses for the girl to the wizards home.

"Well of coarse this is your forest Lord elf." she sat cross legged before him and he mimicked her pose.

Silence was between them it was very calm and companionable. It seemed the child was studying him closely as if soaking him in.

"Mister elf do you know any stories?" He looked down at her and smiled gently at her nodding.

An hour later and three stories she fell to her back laughing hard on the ground. He noticed something strange in the child's mouth were the pointed tips of fangs.

He rose swiftly backing away from the child. He knew what she was, he remembered the day her mother was cursed. Now there was another of the monstrosities! The child sat up a frown marring her perfect face.

"Thranduil what's wrong? I didn't mean to laugh so much. I'm sorry."
she stood and walked toward him.

"You little fiend! Drawing people to you with your seemingly vulnerable state and then attacking them. I know what you are a monster. . . a cursed thing!" he drew his bow arrow notched.

"Please I'm not a monster. I swear, I meant no harm honest." she pleaded continuing toward him.

" where is your mother?!" he asked vehemently.
"Far from here my lord in the mountains with mist wreathing them."

"Good she wont hear you die" with that his arrow flew true to her chest knocking her back.

He moved closer to the abomination seeing blood spill from her mouth as she died. She chocked on her own blood struggling to draw in breath. Her last breath left with one word.

"Why. . ." the utter confusion in her eyes almost made him regret his actions. Almost. . . no hate or anger existed on her face as her eyes closed in death.

"Why. . . why. . .why. .  . why did you kill me!" the child's plea rang in his ears.

He jerked away wiping the cold sweat from his face. He was surprised to find salty tears on his cheeks as well. He wiped them away angrily and rose from his bed. Dawn had barely touched the eastern horizon at this hour. Damn creature made him doubt and now ruined his sleep. What more would she cause?

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