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    "Great....No one is gonna walk through that door" I said relieved...How could they have dared me like that.

   "We still gat 2 minutes left lil sis" Ivan,my bone headed twin brother, the devil said and I stuck my tongue out.

    "Oh please... No one's gonna walk in....Everyone is here" I said and they all shrugged.

   "Time up" I said and Lillian my Close Buddy shook her head.

   "Nah nah...45 secs left" she countered and I rolled my eyes...who's gonna walk in in 45 secs.....I was wrong!,.... Dead wrong!!..

   The door opened and a black haired guy ,who seemed to be 6fts tall walked in....God help me he's the definition of hotness....The girls were too busy partying to drool over him and those who weren't were totally drooling over him...God knows I was too.

   "Wow...Wow....Ivy,go do it" my best friend in the world,Mackenzie, said and I groaned and shook my head.

    ",please let this pass" I pleaded as I turned to face the guy who kept looking around as if searchingly for someone.

   "Never!" Everyone screamed and Ivan dragged me up.

   "Go Sis" he said and pushed me towards the guy... My legs felt heavy as I walked to the entrance.

    "Uh...Hi" I greeted and the guy raised his brows as he gave me once over.

    " you know the people who own this house?" He asked and I nodded.

   "I do....actually my parents bought it but who cares I do own it" I ranted on trying to make a joke but he just snorted.

    "I'm not really a big fan of noise.... So I think you guys should keep the music down... Its pollution" he said and I looked at him as if he was insane... He was so arrogant... Jeez

   I was about to reply when Ivan threw a cup at me,I.turned and gave him a death glare.

    "Stop the chitty chat...and do the damned thing" Mac and Ivan screamed together and I bit my inner lip.

    "Uh...Sorry about this....but it's a dare" I said and before he could reply, I raised on a tip toe and pressed my lips to his.


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