09!"I'm not scared of losing you"

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Charlotte's POV
   I walked over to Ivy who was still holding her injured leg....I laughed heartily as I held out a hand and she took it gladly.

   "Knight in shining armor didn't complete his job well huh?" I teased and she groaned angrily.

    "Your brother is such a Jackass....he's so annoying, mean,infuriating, stupid, foolish, dumb,proud,arrogant.... I could go on and on" She ranted and growled in anger....it only made me laugh more

    "But you like him....awww" I teased and she gave me a death glare.

    "I do not like your annoying brother.... And thanks for sending him to come save my silly ass.....Dylan is so dead" She said and I chuckled at the scene that occurred a while back. Their family is so much fun and they are all happy together.... If only!

    "Thank God for what you have Charlotte.... You have a brother who would catch a grenade for you...and a grandmother who adores you"  The voice said and she smiled gratefully.

    "Let's go" I said and we walked to the bank of the ocean...we sat there and let our feet enjoy the water.

    "This is ode Gucci" Ivy said and I smiled, I was about to reply when someone gave our heads a slight tug.

    "Who is......Oh lover girl" I said when I realized it was Mac.

   "Oh...She remembers us....Aww, I'm flattered" Ivy said sarcastically and Mac pouted and sat between us.

   "Its not her fault your brother is so hot" I said and Mac blushed again.

     "Seriously Guys.... You're gon burn my cheeks.... Gash" She said and Ivy snorted......

    "If you are gonna be ditching your best friends for that duck....you don't have my blessings" Ivy said and we all laughed.

    "You've always got my blessings.... I ship you guys like I ship JB and Selena" I said and Mac pecked me..

    "Selena?" Ivy asked with raised brows and I nodded.

    "Who's she....not like I care though....I just pity her, It's a pity she's stuck with an ass like your brother" Ivanna said and both Mac and I threw our heads back and laughed.

    "Hahahaha....you have to stop calling Justin Beiber JB.....Jealousy is smelling" Mac said and Ivy's cheeks burned as realization dawned on her.

    "I can still perceive the jealousy" I teased and She took a handful of sand and poured it on my head

   "My hair!!!!.... Ehmagee!!!" I screamed and dusted my hair.

    "She didn't even mention a name" Mac sided me and Ivanna gave her the shut your mouth look.

    "Say one more word and the sand goes into all the holes in your body" Ivanna said and I laughed so bad.

   "I..I..don't... Hahahahaha....I dearly don't wa...wanna imagine the main hole getting filled with sand.....hahahahaha....Ivan's gon have a hard time" I said and Ivy and I high fived...Mac was as red as a beet.

   "You guys are dead" she drawled and jumped on us. She held a handful of our hairs and started to pull it....We both screamed like fools.

   My phone rang and Mac let go...the caller ID made my breath seize... It was the private investigator that I hired to help in the search for my mum.

   "Uhh...excuse me Guys....gotta go pick up this call" I said and Ivy smile lazily.

   "Talk dirty all you want" she teased and I knocked her on the head before walking off.

    "Yes?..Did you find anything?" I said immediately I picked the call...Curiosity was killing me.

    "Ma'am..... I was given an address by the woman who used to live at her former house but unfortunately she moved from there too.... And the residents don't have any clue about her" he said and my heart sank. Mum was prepared to do away with me. I felt tears rush to my eyes and I blinked them back.

    "Oh...okay, please keep trying" I said and cut the call.

    I felt so agree....why did she give birth to me?!....Why?...if she knew she didn't want me,she should have aborted my pregnancy!!.....I just want to see my mother.... I have a right to see her face to face and ask her why she left me all alone....I let the tears pour as I downed myself in self pity.

     I decided to get myself and friends cones of ice cream... I knew Ivy was gonna jump for joy.

    I walked over to the Ice cream truck and ordered two large chocolate scoops and one large vanilla scoop....Ivy can die cause of Vanilla.

    Just as I got the ice creams and started walking back to my friends... Someone called me and I stopped in my tracks. I recognized the voice.... A voice that played in my head for days.... A voice I tried to shut out but never could.

    I moved my legs forward again and pretended not to hear but a hand stopped me and Kevin stood in front of me.

    "Charlotte please just listen to me" he pleaded and I swallowed.

    "Yeah?" I said nonchalantly trying to keep away emotion from my voice..... Looking at his face was killing me.

    "I'm not scared to lose you" his voice replayed in my head and I bit the insides of my mouth.

    "Char I'm sorry..... I know I fucked up....said things I wasn't supposed to but..... Nothing makes sense without you..and losing you is killing me....Forgive me" he said and my tears threatened to pour again but I blinked them back.

   "Forgive you??..... I'm not mad at you Kevin.....not a tiny bit" I lied and he exhaled and he ran his hands through his blonde hair....

    "You hate me Char.....I know it... And it hurts so bad" he said and I took a bite out of the Vanilla ice cream as a diversion.

    "Hate is a feeling Kevin Hanson.... I do not have feelings for you anymore..... We're just Strangers to each other....I can't tell you we're friends... I'll be lying to you Kevin .....It took a long time to get over the hurting.... But I did.... Now if you'll excuse me the ice creams are melting" I  said and walked away.

   "I'm sorry I lied Kev.... But I never got over the hurting" I muttered.

This chapter is so short
I'm very sorry... Please forgive me.


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