15!I Still Love You

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Ivanna's POV.
    Yay me!,here I am with the biggest bowl of ice cream in my hand and a scowling JB. I told you I am good at bowling durh!... I Beat every single person....

    "Stop sulking JB" I cooed in a mocking voice and his scowl deepened causing every one at our table to laugh.

    "Wow...Someone's huge ego was bruised...I can't believe it...a female?!... Beating me at a game?... Wow" Ivan teased and JB tossed something at him.

   "Its not like she didn't beat you too" He retorted and shot me an evil glare.

   "JB...I like you,some other guy would have said I let her win" Mac complimented and earned a small smile from JB and a wide eye from Ivan.

   "Someone help me...I'm losing the love of my life to a boy who a girl beat" he said and we all cracked up...even JB chuckled.

   "My baby can make any girl fall for him" Char said for the first time and winked at JB.

   "Have you?" He asked and Char grinned sheepishly.

   "Yes Oh Yes!" She said acting as if her long time crush proposed to her.  Sometimes it feels like this two are not brothers. Kevin's phone rang just as Mac was about saying something.

   "Excuse me guys" he said and Liam dragged him back and sat him down forcefully.

   "Did you forget?... We made a deal...you can't back out now" he said and we all sat staring at the twins. Kevin face palmed.

   "What deal?...if I may ask" I asked and everyone stared at me... What?...I'm not asking them to tell me the number of nudes they've seen durh!.

   "He gets to put his phone in speaker while I listen...Since he eavesdropped on my conversation.

   "The call has ended....Bless God" Kevin said but unfortunately the person called back and Liam picked it up and placed it on speaker.

   "Hey Kev" the female voice greeted and Kevin's eyes met Char's... call me observant... Char looked away and fiddled with her phone.

   "Hey Bianca" Kevin replied and the girl laughed.

   "Told you to stop calling me Bianca....just call me Bii" she said and I rolled my eyes. Everyone did too.

   "Fine Bii...So..uh...why'd you call?" Kevin asked.

   "I can't even call you to say hi??...we're friends right...?" She said and Kevin licked his lips like he was nervous.

   "Yeah...sure" he said and I knew he was about to say something but the girl cut in.

    "So tell me about that girl that's stuck in your heart that you won't even be able to see me" she said and I watched the great Kevin turn red as he locked gazes with Char...Char looked pale......

    What's Up People!!!!.... I need Gists!!!.

Charlotte's POV.

    I felt my throat go dry as I heard,my eyes moved straight to Kevin's..

   "It might not be you" I heard the inner voice say and I couldn't help but agree... Kevin didn't love me....He told me that himself.

   I excused myself and before anyone could say anything,I walked away as fast as possible... From Kevin's Apologetic eyes, from Liam's sad eyes, from JB's pitiful eyes,from Ivan's confusing gaze and from Ivanna and Mac's questioning eyes. I let myself travel back to 18 months ago....when I lost the guy I so dearly loved.

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